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Joohyun and Lisa arrived in the cabin just in time before the sunset, jinhyuk put all there belongings that they needed for the overnight and leave after he settled the fire place to warm the cabin.

Lisa on the other hand is guilty but she knows it's the price to pay for her lies, and now she will forget everything and make new memories to cherish in the future.

They settled on the cliff back hugging in silent just watching the sun to set, they are not in a hurry since nothing to worry about there own food it's cook already they just need to preheat it.

When the sun is setting lisa face joohyun, her eyes speaks every language but the most clear of all is the love is there  and its unconditional.

" Joohyun, thank you for accepting me for who I am, loving me for what I am, and in return I will love more than anything and I promise you I will never leave you" lisa speaks the truth, lisa her inner lisa, the truest of all the lisa herself.

Joohyun cry in happiness, joohyun don't need any words from lisa all she need her presence and love when lisa speak and express it she lock it to her heart.

" I love you"

They both said and kiss each other as the sun goes down, the kiss is slow and deep and breathtaking then they sealed it with the hugged.

" Lets go inside and prepare our dinner then we can play and watch movie if you want just like ordinary couple do" joohyun said to lisa and she nod, when they get inside the place is warm already thanks to jinhyuk consideration.

" I'll be preparing the food, can you prepare the living room we can eat in front the fire" joohyun asked and lisa kiss her, they act like a domestic couple,

After lisa do her part she went to joohyun in the kitchen help her on her doing even it's just preheat, there unnie pack so many food for them, there favorite side dishes and desserts.

" Baby, I'm not really good in cooking but I will learn just tell if ever I cook if it's not good I won't be hurt I will improve more ok" joohyun said she can cook but not as good as jisoo, cause shes born with nannies and helper, then she don't have time to learn the cooking cause of situation, company her position on bae's and MANoban, in the past she didn't learn from her mother.

Lisa back hug joohyun and said.

" I don't care we can take take outs, or I will cook for you, your not a helper you'll be my wife we can work things out and learn from each other" lisa seriously said and joohyun nod to her and kiss her cheek.

" Thank you, and we will talk about the wedding too is it ok this coming new year unnie like to have double wedding" joohyun said even it's rush but still the preparation is not rush to ruin, the quality is there, it, still snowing that time it will be magical cause the settings will be pure love.

" More than ok of course, just please no tie for me I hate necktie" lisa whine but whipped joohyun nod even though lisa is so handsomely beautiful with tie, but she knows unnie is there she will make lisa wear the tie.

" Lets go" joohyun said as the food is done and they all put the foods on the table. Joohyun put her phone down and turn a mellow music on to set the mood.

" THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD" the couple said joohyun serve lisa, this is her dream to serve and take care of the person she only love.

" Thank you joojoo, eat well too" lisa said and put a piece of meat on her spoon, joohyun happily eat it. Lisa eat so well she started to sweat, joohyun wipe her sweat.

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