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" where's lisa, lily?" Jisoo asked, she's little confuse who's to call.

" She just use, washroom, she asked if I could make her room pink, what a baby" seulgi shared remembering what lisa said, she's not lisa that always sulking to her when she smile to jisoo.

" There she is" chaeyoung said

" I get lost, your house is cool you know" she said

" Lisa?" Jisoo asked and lisa answers her like asking too, so she figure out.

" Let go eat, you will take you vitamins and take a rest lets tour this house" jieun said.

" Hi joojoo, Nini let's go?" Lisa said then lead them to dining area, but jennie tap her.

" Poopoo? That's not the way to the dining area" jennie said and giggle.

" Oh I'm sorry, hihi" lisa said and joohyun lead her where.

The table if full of variety  of food, joohyun and jennie serve them, even jisoo and jieun. Lily is now gone and lisa is with them.

" Bear, can I see leo and lucy after this?" Lisa asked permission, she knows how to behave since it not her house.

" Of course, this your home lisa your unnie and jieun, so you can do anything you want ok no need for my permission" seulgi said while munching food.

" Seul don't talk you mouth is full, maybe later ok take shower first," jisoo said and scold seulgi again on her habit to talk when her mouth is full.

" Ok after we eat I will introduce to you all to the staff here, they are good people lili, they work for me," joohyun said it's better for them to know who's inside since the house is big.

" Ok thank you all" lisa said , she getting shy on there goodness to them, they know that lisa is thankful they understand her actions ,

" WELCOME" they all said at the same time and laugh. 


" This whole estate is big but why where in the back house?" Joy asked

They just finish unpacking, and rest a little, while waiting for the food.

" Why hello?, we have assignment, seulgi asked favor, let stay in this house more like for surveillance, but still  we will focus on mission" jongyeon said.

" Who's inside by the way?" Nayeon said she just arrived from Japan.

" Seulgi's friends, she said if we see a girl, tall and slim body with, scar on her face, avoid her with all cause" jongyeon said,

But seulgi said to jongyeon, its not that her friends are, judgemental, its just seulgi said,

" She is special jong, even if she had that scar, she real catch jong, guard your mina"

Seulgi just threatened her playfully, its typical to be threatened seulgi's praise the kid so much, even if they cross inside the estate, they still want to keep distance because it's there job.

" why? Were not judgemental because of it and seulgi knows it, your hidding something" momo eyeing jongyeon.

" I'm not, just do what I say it's still job, just remember they are special to seulgi lets secure them, seulgi help us big time it's our time to return the  favor" jongyeon is street kid, and the rest of them seulgi is little older to them, she get them all in japan and makes them choose what path they will take.

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