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Lisa is still sleeping, jisoo is checking on her since it's  unusual for her to wake up late but then.

" Baby your little hot" jisoo checking her temperature then jieun barged in too, along with jennie and joohyun.

" Shes having adjustments outside exposure, this is just nothing big don't worry I'll prepare her medication" jieun said to them then jisoo go with her to make her porridge.

" Joojoo Nini, move more you will get sick too if you get contact to me" lisa said in her little voice, still eyes closed,

" Goodmorning you big baby, don't worry  ok were good" joohyun said and sit on edge and jennie too.

" Did you have fun yesterday?" Jennie asked caressing her hand.

" Yep thank you for everything all of you, I will show you the picture wait~" lisa talking about picture make her excited and about to get up but the two stopped her.

" We can wait just rest, tommorow you will get better how about that?" Joohyun said, lisa is really one of the  kind, you can't get enough of her.

Lisa nod, she's getting sleepy again, she's fighting her drowsiness, but no her eye lids is still heavy, but then jisoo came. she force lisa to eat a little since she will take her medication which she obliged, she clinging to jisoo which jisoo is struggling, in reality lisa is heavy.

" Good job baby" jisoo patted her back, she surely jisoos baby, lisa burp good thing there no blech. She fall asleep emediately then she tuck lisa and adjust the curtain and air-conditioning.

Jieun and jennie and joohyun just observing jisoo.

" Learn from the expert girls, how to take care the big baby 101" jiuen tease the girls make them blush, then jisoo signal them to keep quiet, they go out after.

They are all in balcony having morning tea, chaeyoung and seulgi didn't go with them last night after little party at the yatch, well they go home a little late maybe that's why lisa sick a little.

Jisoo telling them stories, they are laughing how she discribe lisa is.

" What makes me happy more is she being happy, I'm not fond of things really and place, we could go just with pack lunch in river and stay there all day just with her I'm more than happy" jisoo smile

" She makes effort to prove herself to you soo, I'm proud of her" jieun comments

" But seriously guys thank you so much for all the thoughtfulness and generosity and effort for making her plan come true" jisoo says with sincerity.

" Unnie it's nothing really, we love what were doing beside that's not all, and about that unnie were going abroad for shoot and we're going to bring jieun and lisa too, I need documentation for passport" jennie said it's about thailand.

" Ohh I was about to tell it too," joohyun said well she expected it already.

" Ahhmm about that" jisoo hesitation but she remembered they already know it.

" I don't have Lisa's identification, that time we got lisa my grandparents didnt do it because of safety, when they do it they will know about lisa and they will get her to us, that's why' jisoo sighed

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