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What is this place? Its been hours I'm running and it's dark and it's wet. I Keep looking on something that I don't know. Then,


I've been looking for my sister but  its so silent that I can't hear anything. Then I see a little light and I run fast straight to it.

' thank good I'm back" its the village but no people around maybe it's still early, I wipe my sweat on my sleeves, but still it flowing then I saw my sleeve soaking in blood.

" Blood?' I run where our way to my home, I'm scared why there's a blood, now I can hear footsteps but there's no one around.

" Unnie!'

I run fast as I can, then I reach the house and I searched for unnie, but I can't see her then I remembered the stream.


I shout for her, then I saw her back thank God, I'm catching my breath to approach her. Then there's no blood on my sleeve, this is weird.

" Unnie I've been looking fo you, unnie" it  makes me frown cause she's not responding, she's still in her back, I kneeled down and hold her shoulder to get her attention but she collapsed on me.

' unnie are you ok?" I can't breathe she keeps talking that I can't hear then I get closer to her mouth so I can hear her whisper.

" Run lisa run'

then that's I notice she's full of blood, then the footsteps is getting closer, I try to lift unnie but I can't I'm stuck then i


I adjust my sight, realizing it's just a dream then tons of memories flash in me.

" Unnie" I hurriedly get of to my bed and look for her.

" Unnniiiiee! Eeeommmmmmaaaa!!"

I shout cause I can't see her, I panic, what if it's true?  then the footsteps coming and many of it just like in my dreams. I  kneeled down to stop from hearing it.

" Unnie'

I'm crying then a familiar warm hugged and wakes me of the feeling of loneliness.

" Shhh baby unnie is here, calm down, come get up lets gi, hold unnie"

Unnie tell me and I just nod and get up I saw joojoo and Nini there all sad I can see it in there eyes.

" Unnie I have a bad dream, and you said bad dreams never happen right?"

I asked her and she looks at me, that loving eyes that makes me calm, she smile and nod at me then kiss me in my forehead, I close my eyes loving the feeling she's giving me.

"Remember always lisa, unnie loves you so much, we are sister and no one will tear us apart, always remember that, I will protect you whatever happens in the future, can you promise unnie you remember my words I tell you?, believe always in your self, don't let negative thoughts ruined you or us it makes us unhappy ok, just think positive and the people who loves you, I love you my baby little lisa"

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now