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That morning seulgi wakes up, she encourage jisoo to go home for jennie and lisa. It takes time for seulgi to convince jisoo it's ok to leave her now, and promise her that she will back the next day.

Before jisoo go back to the estate, she gave seungri a list of seulgi needs and what food she would eat. Even the temperature of the room and water in take, seungri just nod and nod to jisoos request. They can't do anything cause jisoo is very intimidating when she use her low voice.

Seulgi just smile shyly to seungri and promise jisoo it will be followed. Jinhyuk personally fetch jisoo prior to joohyun command. Everyone is resting since they know the next day will be little complicated.

Jisoo arrived before dinner, jieun and auntie miran prepare dinner for everyone, she fix herself and calm her senses.

" Unnniiiiiiiii I miss youuuuuuu, are you ok where is the bear, she promise we will ride bike on the park" lisa whine hugging her unnie and jisoo melt on her warm welcome, she really loves it lisa welcoming her.

" I miss you too baby, bear said she is sorry she will still make her promise, just soon ok she just caught some emergency in work" jisoo lie, seulgi tells her already about it, they are sure lisa remember every promise.

" Ok, its ok I'll wait for her, lets go unnie take a shower we will be having dinner soon I'll just go to kwang soo"  lisa said and gives her unnie loads of kisses.

Jisoo went up stairs and look for jennie, she still don't know the whole story since she will wait for seulgi's recovery, for sure theres a deep reason for it. She just want jennie to be in good state. She didn't knock to jennies room in her overwhelming need to see her mandu, and there she saw jennie. Sitting on floor spacing out.

" Mandu" jisoo call her and it brokes her heart seeing jennie so lost and broken. Jennie look at her and launch herself to jisoo into crashing hug and cry.

" Unnnnniiieee, its my fault," jennie sob on jisoo, she's still blaming herself, for almost losing her bestfriend.

" Shhhhh  hush now, I have some words from seulgi for  you" jisoo look at jennies.

" Yooooo bitch stop blaming yourself, or I will tell lisa your embarrassing moment!" Jisoo said mimicking seulgi makes jennie smile still crying.

" Its ok jennie, It won't help if you blame yourself, seulgi is fine and now everything will be in right place, I still don't know what happen but I know there's always a reason, now why don't you help yourself to shrugged that negatives thoughts and think for the upcoming brighter future, were here for you you know that right?" Jisoo really knows her word to soothe jennies troubled mind

" Unnie thank you," jennie is speechless, she's just thankful, how understanding jisoo is, and jennie realize jisoo is right she have all the will power to make things right and for her bright future.

" I'll go to shower ok, we will have dinner, how about we all sleep together in one room tonight and binge watch" jisoo said makes jennie feel better. Jennie nod and she prepare herself.


"  I'm safe now, I'm free thank God, I want to speak with ruby jane, I hope she is well, poor kid" mrs. MANoban thought, she was informed also by seungri who they are, she can't wait to see her husband and tell her the news.

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