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Time flies really  fast that Christmas is coming, and good news that lisa will be discharged, she still cant remember as she promise she will tell me, she just randomly dream she don't understand but there this few particular dream about me we ride a bike, I show her the video and photo and she recall those part.

After those she have massive headache, which I didn't show her stuff I just to told her dreams are part of her lost memories of years she lost, buts a seventeen year old lisa is testing my love for her always.

The manoban was visiting her once in awhile, they're happy that lisa is alive, they support her us even they're not with lisa, mrs. MANoban is happy lisa eat her food already thats all she need she's happy already.

And speaking of my patience is getting thinner everyday, just like now she don't have fluids attached to her and she can walk properly because of her therapy.
The next day we will be going back to farm, speaking of this kid is sulking facing the wall.

" Its not my fault unnie, it's kwangsoo and daHyun"

She still pointing the two acquittance, I just sighed and  patted the couch for her to sit down.

" Its slippery outside ,the bodyguards also in trouble, seulgi scolded them already, and kwang soo and daHyun I told you~" I stop cause lisa hugged my head, I'm just worried it's snowing yet she sneak out just to go near convenience store for ramen and chocomilk, then daHyun and kwangsoo even fall on her face again and let her when they saw her there already.

" Im worried lisa, I know im suffocating you already it just " I know she's so feed up to me already cause I'm looking to her 24/7 if I'm out she sneak I don't let her on other things which I found out it's dangerous to her, it's just I don't know if something happen to her again I can't take it.

" No your not unnie, I'm so sorry don't think that way please"

" Your free spirit person and I'm holding you so much I'm just worried lisa, what if something happen then I'm not there, I can't take it lisa" it's true I'm overly acting and overprotective I can't help it, honestly I'm having dreams about it and it's sickening already.

" I'm sorry I'm over board already, I now your worried, it's just can't help it, my feet have its own brain"

I look at her, I hope I'm not right are they still there?. So I look at daHyun and kwangsoo, they understand and excuse there selves.

" Sit down my baby, tell me about it its ok I'm not mad or upset I'm just worried ok, now tell me baby" I said to encourage her to express her feelings.

" I hear voices, I dont know maybe just my imagination , but unnie I promise I won't do it again it's just I'm craving to it and my tummy hurts that's why"

She explained and I'm shock could it be its them.

" Baby forgiven ok, I'm just worried I'm sorry too now I want to tell you something, can you talk with jieun unnie about it will help your mind"

She knows already jieuns profession she's very proud about it though.

" ok unnie I will, now can I have a hug?" She spread her arms and asked me with her small voice, I smile to her and hugged this big baby.

" I have something to say too, it's about joojoo" lisa said, ohh I must say joohyun spend more time with lisa now, just like today she just go home to take fresh clothes and fresh foods, I'm still staying in hospital, joohyun talked to me few months ago, about how she feels about lisa, about those moments they share I can say it's deep though, but I can't help to be concerned about it cause this will hurt joohyun in the process now that lisa is look like leaving all the past behind.

 YOU NEVER KNOW (LISRENE) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now