Nice Boys

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Tw - panic attack

[ Y/n ]

"Miles! MILES!"

Where is that annoying bastard? An arm grabbed my waist and a hand wrapped around my mouth. I was yanked back into the person's embrace. In the moment, I panicked. I struggled against them for a moment before realizing who it was. I forced his arms off of me and turned around. Miles stared at me and I crossed my arms.

"You called for me."

"I know I did. I'm waiting for my apology."

Miles rolled his eyes and pulled a flask out of his pants. I watched in disbelief as he chugged it. "What is wrong with you?" I tried to take it but Miles stepped back. "Jesus, I don't need you to baby me. I was more grown up than you when I was 8."

I retorted and Miles finished the contents of the flask. "You know, you could start facing your problems rather than drinking and fucking them away. That's what grown up people do."

Miles grabbed my jaw and pulled me towards him. We both puffed out a few breaths before he let go. "What was that dickhead?" Miles shook his head and turned around. I followed him, pushing his buttons more and more. "You are so immature Miles. You never want to admit when you're wrong."

"Oh I'm in the wrong here?!"

"Yeah, you are! You just won't get off your high horse so you can't see that you're wrong!"

"Y/n you are such a fucking bitch. I can't believe I've wasted my entire life head over heels for a SELFISH, RUDE, GOOD FOR NOTHING SLUT!"


Miles and I turned and Ms. Grose was standing in the doorway. "What? This is none of your business." She raised her eyebrows and Miles shut his mouth. "Y/n, go to your room. Miles, Flora asked you to play with her 2 hours ago and you've drank in Quint's room the entire time. Give me the bottle and go play with your sister. Snap at her once and I'll make you do a chore."

Miles scoffed and threw the flask at her, running off towards Flora's room. I walked off back to our room. I didn't have my own room. Miles and I have shared a room since we were children.

I slammed the door and ran over to the bed. I threw myself onto it and flailed around, hitting the pillows as hard as I could. "HE'S A DICK! HE'S A DICK! HE'S A STUPID FUCKING DICK!"

.  .  .

Eventually I got up to go hang out with Flora. When I got there I peeked in to make sure Miles was gone. He wasn't. He was sitting in one of the tiny chairs, his knees against his chest because he was too tall. He didn't have any emotions on his face. He was just focused on Flora. I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs.

Some of the maids were in the kitchen when I walked in. They immediately stopped whispering and I grabbed a snack. "Are you alright Ms. Y/n?" One asked. "I'm fine. Miles is just a dramatic dickhead. In two hours he'll be whining for his dick to be sucked."

The two stared at me in disbelief. Did I really just say that to them? How embarrassing...

I grabbed the food and walked back upstairs to the bedroom.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now