Halloween Party

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[ Bobert ]

We decided as a pack to go out to a Halloween party and Y/n begged me to let her dress up. I was fine with it until she walked out and her costume was a lingerie I stole for her with a halo and some angel wings.

"Do you like it?" She asked, twirling around for me. "I... I love it. You aren't gonna leave my side, right?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and grabbed my wrist. She threw my arm around her shoulder and I hugged her close to me.

. . .

We eventually found a party and everyone split up. We agreed to meet back at the front of the house at midnight, which was in two hours. I followed Y/n while she pulled me around the house. She eventually let go of my hand and ran off. I searched desperately for her for a moment before she came back. "What the fuck? Where did you go? Are you okay?" I asked, grabbing her cheeks.

"I'm fine B! Look." She held up a headband with devil horns and I rolled my eyes. I bent over so she could put them on me and smiled a little as my face neared her thighs. "Too far! Stand up a little." She whined. I sighed and stood up a little. Y/n put the headband on me and I stood back up fully. She gasped and I smiled.

"You are so cute." Y/n beamed.

I picked her up and pushed her against the wall that was behind us. I leaned in and pressed a short kiss on her lips. "You think anyone would notice if I fucked you right now?" I whispered.

[ Y/n ]

"You're so fucking dirty B." He hummed and set me down. "I'm so thirsty. Let's go see what they have to offer."

Bobert led me through the crowd to a table where they had drinks. He grabbed a beer and sipped from it. He passed it to me and I took a drink. "It's not very good." B laughed, taking it back. I nodded in agreement and he leaned in to kiss me again. We pulled away and Bobert set the drink down. "I gotta piss." He muttered, looking around.

We walked upstairs and Bobert eventually found the bathroom. "You wanna come in with me?" He asked. I shrugged and looked around. There were a few people in the hall but not many. "I'm good." I beamed. He gave me a quick kiss and walked into the bathroom. A few guys walked up to me and I gave a small smile.

"That's a really cute costume."

"Thanks... My boyfriend has a matching costume."

They hummed and one of them put a finger on my claim mark. "Sick scar... Is it real?" I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, yeah... It's real." I brushed his hands off and jiggled the doorknob. "How'd you get it?" The other guy asked. "I got it as a kid. I don't remember."

"That costume is so hot." The other guy said.

"Uh, I have a boyfriend."

I hit the door one more time and it opened. "Wha- Who are you?" Bobert grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. "Listen dude we weren't making any moves."

"Were they making moves?" Bobert asked me. I hesitated and he looked at him desperately. "You have two fucking seconds to get out of my sight." The two boys ran away and I turned to Bobert. "Are you okay baby?" He asked anxiously. I nodded and hugged Bobert. "I love you." He sighed. "I love you too." I smiled. "You sure you're okay my love?" I nodded and looked up at him.

"This place fucking sucks. I wanna go back home." He muttered. I shook my head and grabbed his shoulders, rubbing them a little. "No. The others are probably having fun bubs."

Bobert sighed and grabbed my chin. "I really love you." I smiled and Bobert smiled. "How about we go in here for a minute..." He whispered, pulling me into the bathroom. "No. Not here." Bobert hummed and kissed my forehead. "Okay bunny." He gasped and smiled. "Next year! Be a bunny! We'll put little bunny ears on you. You'll wear a cute lingerie. One of those latex ones that zips up in the front and has a little bunny tail. It'll be like a swimsuit lingerie and you'll wear fishnets. And I'll be a wolf."

"You mean like a playboy bunny?" I asked.

Bobert nodded excitedly. I smiled and pushed him back into the bathroom. "You take care of that. I'm going to find Tonya." I smiled and pointed at his boner. "Come find me."

"I will!" He shouted. I shut the door and walked downstairs. Tonya... Tonya would be... I'm not sure.

"Y/n!" I smiled and turned. "Tonya! I was just looking for you." I beamed. "Nice. Where's B? Does he know you're with me?" I nodded she handed me a drink. "It's Sprite." She shouted over the music. I nodded and took a sip. I coughed and looked at her. "With some vodka." She added. "Bobert will kill me if I get drunk." I said. "Damn girl." Tonya and I turned and stared at the guy. "Thank you." Tonya smiled, though we both knew we both knew he was talking to me.

"Not you. The other girl. What's your name baby?"

"It's none of your business." I snapped. "I like em feisty." He smiled. "My boyfriend does too." I responded. "Boyfriend?" He asked. "Yep. My boyfriend. He doesn't like to share and he'll definitely beat your ass if he sees you talking to me so I'd fuck off." I grabbed Tonya's cup and drank from it. "Bye now."

He scoffed and walked off. "Oh my god I was so mean. I feel so bad." I said, handing Tonya her cup back. "No way! That was hot. Speaking of hot, I'm going to leave you here since he just found you and trust you two to not fuck in front of all these innocent people."

"Shut up. Go away." I laughed. Bobert joined me. "I love this song." He shouted. I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me. "What-" He laughed as I started to dance and shook his head. I remember seeing Lana Del Rey dance like this in the National Anthem video... And everyone else was doing it. I stood up and turned around so I was facing away from him.

Bobert grabbed my hips and I brought my arms back around his neck. "Fuck." He whispered as I danced on him. I turned back around and smiled at him. "Who taught you how to dance like this?" He asked. "Lana Del Rey." I whispered before kissing him. He kissed me back passionately for only a second before we got broken up by a commotion outside. "Can we go to one fucking party without someone getting into a fight? Come on."

He led me outside and sighed. I looked down at my watch and sighed. It didn't matter, it was 12 anyways. I rolled my eyes at Leo, who had gotten into a fight. Bobert walked over and broke it off. He pulled Leo inside because he was blacked out drunk. I followed and Tonya caught up. "Girl do you even know what song is playing?? It's Rules by Doja! Also who the fuck taught you to dance like that?! It wasn't me so who?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I muttered, trying not to smile. "Yes you do. Baby you were busting it down like that's the only thing you've ever known." I shook my head and laughed. "Whatever." I pulled her out the front door and down the steps to Bobert. "You okay? Hey. Hey! I'm not bringing you to parties anymore." He said to Leo.

The rest of the pack slowly came out as well until we were all here. "Alright. Let's go." Bobert put Leo on his back and we started walking home. Last time he carried someone like that they threw up on him.

.  .  .

We got home and everyone was exhausted. Bobert collapsed next to me in bed and sighed. I smiled and cuddled up to him. Bobert smiled and I lightly pecked his lips. "Brushing your teeth after drinking tastes fucking gross." I giggled and admired his features. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." He leaned in and lightly connected our lips.

I pulled away and lightly kissed his cheek before rolling over. B spooned me and I held his hand. "Goodnight." I sighed. "Night."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now