WTF are we talking for?

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[ Y/n ]

I groaned in frustration, I'm so fucking tired. "Ready to run it again?" Finn asked. I nodded and started my camera again. "Hello! I'm Y/n L/n. I'm 17 years old. I'm y/h (Height). I live in Vancouver, Canada. My birthday is y/b/d. And in my free time I enjoy y/h (hobby)."

Finn read off of the script and I maintained eye contact with the camera. "No, you listen to me. If I don't get to... Fuck!" I slammed my hand against the wall and Finn stared at me. "It's oka-" "No! It isn't! It's not fucking okay Finn! We've run this script 500 times and I still can't get the first fucking line!" I put my head in my hands and started to cry.

"Hey..." Finn touched my back but I stood up. "Why don't you just give the fucking script to Millie!" He stared at me with a hurt look in his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You will never know how much it hurts to live in a world with her. Where everyone fucking wants to be her. You know what? I am jealous. I do want to be her! She's talented, and kind, and funny, and beautiful... I have to hear about her every single fucking day and I have to be reminded that I will never compare to her. Ever. I can run as fast as I can but she'll still fucking win by just walking! Everyone loves Millie! We all can't have amazing fucking lives! Some of us were just born to be insignificant and you would never understand that!"

I sobbed in the arm of my shirt, my feelings finally coming out. "I thought you were her friend..."

"I am. I fucking love her but I can't stand another day where I remind myself that I'm just insignificant compared to her. Some of us aren't talented, or beautiful, or kind, or caring. Some of us are really trying our best out here. To do anything! To be anything! But again, some of us are just fucking insignificant!"

"You aren't-"

I turned around and grabbed my stuff. I ran downstairs where his family was all sitting awkwardly. I ran out the door and down the street. Snow coated every inch of everywhere. Usually I'd love to sled with Finn...

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Sugar daddy

Please stop walking so fast

I turned around and he was a little ways behind me.

And get out of the fucking road
The snow is picking up
This is not a good situation
Please get on the sidewalk

"Stop!" I shouted at him. "Get on the fucking sidewalk!" He shouted back. I started running and Finn was right, pretty soon I couldn't see a foot in front of me. All of the sudden a pair of headlights and a lot of pain. Something heavy was on me. Finn held me in a hug, crying. "I told you to get on the fucking sidewalk."

. . .

The driver offered to take us to the hospital. Finn insisted he was okay but the state of his leg said otherwise. We were in a room together while they did his a cast. His parents were in the lobby and I felt so bad. What would his mom think when she found out his leg is like this because I was a drama queen?

"Yeah, it's really icy out there. One second I'm walking and the next I'm on my ass with a fucked up leg."

I looked up at Finn who was talking to a doctor. "Harsh fall." He whispered, looking back at me. "And you? Harsh fall?" The woman asked. "Uh... No?"

"You have a scape on your cheek." I laughed and brought my fingers up to the skin. "Oh! That! Sledding accident yesterday." The lady nodded and finished writing on her big stack of papers. She left Finn and I alone in the room a second later. "I'm so sorry..." I whispered. "I know." He answered, reaching out for my hand. "It's okay."

"I almost..." "Yeah..." Finn's thumb caressed my hand harshly, he was anxious. "Thank you." He smiled and shrugged. "It'll be a cool story to tell our kids."

We sat in silence for a moment before he scooted over. I looked up and smiled. "You aren't serious." He shrugged and I laid down in bed with him. Finn hugged me, kissing my forehead. "You aren't insignificant... You can't compare yourself to Mills but no one can. You guys are completely different people. Trust me, Millie has flaws. And you, my love, have so many amazing traits that she doesn't."

I nodded and cried into his shoulder. "I'm sorry I said 'you'd never understand' like you weren't a real person..." "Nah, you were right. Just the other day I said something really stupid to one of my friends when he was talking about going out and I felt like a dumbass. I'm kinda forgetting what it's like to be normal..."

I nuzzled my nose into his shoulder before kissing his collar. "I'm sleepy. You wanna nap?" Finn asked. I nodded and looked up at him. "I love you. So much. You're like, the best boyfriend in the world. I'm very lucky to have you and I'm sorry for being a bitch."

"You weren't a bitch. Don't call yourself a bitch. And thank you. I'm very flattered and I feel the same way. You are the best, best, best girlfriend. I'm lucky to have you."

I smiled and he moved down to kiss me. We shared a short kiss before pulling away and cuddling each other. "Oh, that's something you beat Millie at right there."

"What?" I asked.

"Kissing, duh."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now