𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴

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This is based off of 'Other Tyler' if you haven't read my preference book I'd go there. The chapter number he's introduced in is 18

[ Tyler ]

Y/n was in front of me, pulling her clothes off painfully slow. I dug my fingernails into my palms to keep myself calm.

Don't do it. Don't touch her. Let her lead. You like it when she leads. It's fine, you don't want to hurt her.

She crawled in my lap and slowly rocked her hips against mine. I sighed and moved my hands to grip her hips.

Fuck. I can't hold it back. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm screwed. I'm so fucking screwed.

I started to speed her up, rolling my hips against her. She threw her head back and moaned. "Fuck me Tyler." She whimpered.

I flipped her over and ripped her underwear off.

Too fast, too fast, too fast! Stop, don't hurt her. You're going to hurt her Ty. Contain yourself.

I rolled the condom on and rubbed my tip against her. "Mgh... Daddy." She mewled.

Fuck why did she do that? I've never asked for daddy.

I like it so much though... I like it so so much...

I quickly thrust into her, not giving her time to adjust. I pulled out then shoved back in. Her cries filled my room.

Stop it! You're going to hurt her! She doesn't like that! Why're you being like this? Fuck. Just contain it Tyler! It's not that fucking hard man!

I watched as she moaned below me. I leaned down and kissed her neck, leaving hickies all over it.

You have school tomorrow Tyler! You're making so much extra work for her if she's going to cover all of those!

I moved my hands down to her chest, grabbing at her boobs.

Dude come on! Thats weird! And it hurts her! It's like if she grabbed at your dick. Let go. Let go. Let fucking go.

I pulled out and flipped her over. I grabbed her hips and pulled them up. I leaned down and drug my tongue over her slick skin. She moaned and clutched the bedsheets.

I rubbed her ass and got lost in my thoughts.

Spank her.


Spank her.

Don't fucking do it Tyler. Don't you dare fucking do it.

Remember the other day when she gave you that tease?

We enjoyed that! Why would we punish her?!

I brought my hand down against her soft skin. A loud slap was hear throughout the room. "Is one enough princess?"

She shook her head, "I need more daddy! I'm such a bad girl!" I nodded and spanked her again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Until her ass would definitely bruise.

I lightly kissed her back a few times before I thrusted back in again. "T-Tyler!" She cried.

I spanked her again and he moaned. "Daddy I'm going to cum!" She screamed.

Speed up.


Speed up Tyler.

Don't do it.

Come on, you know she likes it. Look at her. Begging for your dick. Crying out for you to cum inside her. Wearing a condom is pushing it man. At least speed up.

Wearing a condom is not pushing it. We're way too young for kids.

17? I've seen 15 year olds have kids.


I blocked everything out and sped up. She let out one last cry before clenching around me. I gripped her hips harder and moaned as her warm cum coated the condom.

Fuck that feels so good. You can cum now man.

I let out a low moan and came in the condom. Y/n sighed as I pulled out. I tied the top and threw the condom away.

I got back in bed and couldn't help but noticed how she was leaking on her bed sheets.

Lick it up, lick it up, lick it up. Lick it up man, you'll like it.

How would you know that? We've never even tasted cum before.

Just lick it up Tyler.

I leaned down between her legs and started to lap up her cum. She gasped and grabbed a fistful of bedsheets.

It was salty but... Not really that bad. I licked it up until I was finished.

I crawled up next to her and gave her a kiss on the head. We got under the covers and she cuddled close to me. "That was amazing Ty... I never knew you had that in you..."

I smiled and laughed. "So you liked that?" I asked anxiously. "Fuck yes. That was so sexy Tyler. I love you so fucking much."

I smiled and gave her a kiss, "I love you too."

I told you so. She likes it rough bitchesss

Shut the fuck up, god. You're so annoying all the damn time man.

You're just mad you weren't right for once. Stick ice in her pussy next time Ty!


𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now