All the girls swoon over Bobert

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Guys i was never a wolf kid so if this shit is wrong i really dont care. Sorry. Not really. Wolf kids and horse girls got me so fucked up.

[ Narrator ]

Y/n had just finished her heat, which means she's a lot weaker than she usually is. She and Bobert sat on the couch cuddling each other. Other people were with them also watching tv. Bobert ignored the girls all staring at him from the kitchen. Swooning over him just sitting there. He kissed her shoulder, up her neck, then to her cheek.

Y/n smiled and lightly kissed him back. "Do you need anything?" He muttered. "Wine." She sighed. He kissed her cheek and got up. The girls in the kitchen all scattered to pretend they were doing something. Their parents had warned them to stay away from him because he was snappy. One of the girls ran right into his leg and fell back onto the ground. She was one of the younger girls who liked him because all the other girls did. Everyone turned and expected him to yell at her.

Instead he picked her up, asking if she was okay. She nodded and he kissed the top of her head. "Wanna help me get Y/n's drink?" He asked. She nodded hazily and he carried her over to the wine chiller he had stolen as a teen. He set the little girl on the counter and got a wine glass. "Alright. What's your name clumsy?" He muttered. Bobert had yet to learn all of the kids names. Y/n on the other hand, she knew everyone like they were her best friend.

All the other girls watched jealously as the young girl helped him pour wine into the glass. "Dione." She whispered.

She was dazed by his fangs, they were so sharp. She put her hands in his mouth, pulling it open so she could see them. He stood there while she slowly moved her hand towards it. She pressed her finger on it and quickly retorted it. The quick motion caused her to break the skin. She gasped as her finger started bleeding.

"It's okay. Look." He carried her over to the sink and turned the water on. Again, the girls all sent daggers at the little one. He washed her finger and then dug through the cabinets. "Hold on, I'll be right back." He smiled. Dione nodded and he left.

Bobert went into Io's office and grabbed a bandaid. He walked back out and one of the older girls tried bumping into him. He stared at her with an unamused look. "She's 4." He muttered to the girl as he made his way back to the sink. He smiled and held up the bandaid. She held out her finger, which had started bleeding again.

He grabbed a napkin and wet it before dabbing the blood away. The little girl hissed and he muttered a quick sorry. "Will my teeth get sharp like yours?" She asked. "If you take care of them. You have to brush your teeth every night and every morning." He whispered to her, as if it were a secret. The young girl nodded and he smiled.

Bobert wrapped her finger and helped her off the counter. "Wait! You aren't finished yet!" She said. He crouched down and she held her finger up. "You have to kiss it better." He looked at her and then her finger. "Really?" He asked. Dione nodded and he sighed. "Welp, I guess I can't argue with that." He awkwardly kissed her finger and she smiled. "It feels better already!"

He ruffled her hair and stood up. "Alright." He grabbed the wine glass and took it back out to Y/n. He noticed the new guy in his spot and walked over. He handed Y/n the glass and stared at the guy. He looked up at Bobert and shrugged. "That's my seat you fucking loser." The girls all piled back up to watch Bobert.

"You snooze you loose." The guy wrapped his arm around Y/n. Bobert punched him in the face, making all the girls gasp. "He's so fucking hot." One of the older teens whispered to the other. They both nodded and turned their attention back to the commotion. The other guy got up and shoved Bobert, who hit him again.

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