I'll always protect you

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You and Miles are 8

[ Y/n ]

A baby in my face.

Miles is shoving his baby sister into my face.

She giggled and he brought her back against his chest. "She's cute, right? There was always someone in her room so I couldn't bring her outside but now she's a little older they leave her alone while she naps!" I nodded and he passed her to me. "Let's play family. I'm going to go to work!" He kissed me and then ran off into the woods.

I picked up the bag Miles had brought and walked back over to the blanket I'd set out. I set Flora down and sat down next to her. She clapped her hands and babbled. I smiled and stuck out a finger for her to hold.

[ Ms. Grose ]

"Flora..." I entered the baby's room, approaching her crib. I gasped at the sight, it was empty. I turned out of the room and ran to Miles's room. He loved to play with Flora but he just didn't understand she couldn't play with the small toys he does. I opened his door but he wasn't in his room. I ran down to the living room, also empty.

The kitchen, basement, library, and pool were all free of children. None of the staff had seen Miles or Flora. The only person I hadn't seen was Quint. I ran out to the stables and saw his large figure. I prayed the children were with him. "Quint!"

He turned and looked at me. "Why are you running?" He asked.

"Where are they?"


"What do you mean who? Miles and Flora! Where are they?"

"I don't know." Quint grumbled.

"They're your responsibility too."

He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll help you look for them."

[ Miles ]

"Wood for a fire... I have to make a fire for Y/n and baby Flora. Y/n and baby Flora. Y/n and baby Flora." I sang their names while picking up some wood. A large spider scurried out of a log and I gasped. I dropped all my wood and ran to grab it. It was big, but I could tell it was a baby. I caught it and a big grin spread on my face.

I turned around and ran back to Y/n. "Y/n look!" She stood up and I ran towards her. I stopped and I opened my hands to show her.

[ Ms. Grose ]

There was a loud scream, one that made all the hairs on your arm stand up.

"Well that can't be good." Quint said, following that up with a cloud of smoke from his cigarette. "Well?! Go find them you useless bastard!"

He rolled his eyes but listened, getting on his horse. I ran back to the house to ask the staff to help us look.

[ Miles ]

"Why'd you scream?"

"It's scary!" I rolled my eyes and tossed it behind me. "Alright."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now