The Hills

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- you and Boris are Jrs in college
- you have a studio apartment
(search it up an look at some layouts if you don't know what that is because this'll probably be confusing otherwise)
- this goes with 'The Hills' by The Weekend

[ Y/n ]
Smut —

I laughed as my friends shared embarrassing sex stories. "So... How about you Y/n?"

I rolled my eyes and leaned back into the couch. "You know I'm a virgin."


Boris and I sleep together all the time. I would just never tell my friends. He's a dirty drug addict. He's failing school and starts fights. He does coke in the bathroom and fucks any girl he sees.

Only half of that isn't true.

Boris has straight A's, he's smarter than he plays off. He never starts fights but always gets pulled into them. Boris never does drugs at school because of Theo, who would've hated that. And Boris does not fuck any girl he sees.

He fucks me.

That's it.

"Well... We know that's not true so who is it?" Rachel asked. My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

Putin Jr.

i'm durnbk
come heere

Boris, you're not making any sense.

whaet is yotur address

"Who's that?" I looked up at my friends and sighed. "My parents are coming home early. You all have to go."

Everyone groaned but started to get up. I said goodbye to everyone and looked back down at my phone.


thaonk you

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I stared at the ceiling, my LED's changing from dark pink to purple.

I closed my eyes and thought about Boris.
God, I could spend every day alone with him for the rest of my life and I wouldn't complain about a damn thing. My heart started to race and I was suddenly hyper aware of the heat being contained by my underwear.

I leaned my head back into the couch and reached down. My fingers pressed against the fabric of my shorts, making me squirm.

I pressed my knees together and leaned forward, waiting for when Boris would get here. I got up, walking over to the window. I could see a figure stumbling towards my house in the distance, making me impatient.

He's such a slow walker when he's drunk. It's a pain.

I sat back down and tapped my foot on the ground. Shit. I'm so horny. Boris is always extra freaky when he's drunk but I always feel a little guilty after.

It's always the same conversation the next time we meet up.

"I just feel like I didn't really have your consent. It makes me uncomfortable after the deed is done."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now