(The creation of Victor)

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Ahh, okay. I forgot I wrote this book and totally shelved it. This was how Victor came to be a character (Oliver was added in other books):


I picked up the sleeping Victor and shut the car door He shuffled around before settling back into a position where his head laid on my shoulder. I hummed to him and turned around to start walking.

I walked the long dirt path with him sleeping soundly on my shoulder. My steps were careful, not at all rushed. When it first happened they were... I'd run all the way to her. Now I just walk.

Victor stretched and sat up, looking at me drowsily. "You're getting big... How's your arm?" He sighed and rubbed his eyes, making me pause. "It hurts," Was all he said before collapsing back down into me. "I'm sorry Vic but you have to get shots." He didn't say anything but his tiny hands played with my hair.

"Are we going to see mommy?" He asked cautiously. "Yep, we go visit mommy every Sunday." Victor nodded and I stopped. "We're here... Go tell her about your shot." I set him down and he ran to the neat headstone. I watched with my hands stuffed into my pockets for ten minutes before he got up to wander around.

I sat down next to her and leaned my head onto the cold cement. "Hey... I hope you're good. Vic got his shots, as he told you and I learned how to make a new meal, see?" I pulled out the recipe and showed it to her picture. "I brought you... Some pictures of it..." I fished the pictures out of my jacket pocket. "And here's us eating it, Victor really likes it." I set the photos in the small box I placed out. "I'm going to need to get a new photo box soon, aren't I? Why didn't you tell me this one was getting full?" I chucked and watched Victor. "He misses you a lot these days... He sleeps with me and dreams about you almost every night. He talks about you in his sleep... He throws fits all the time because he wants you. I want you too y'know, I want you so bad." I wiped my tears away and stood up. "Anyways, Victor has a play date with Millie's kid, he's super cute, so I get a chance to talk to her and her husband. Then Nick comes over tomorrow and we go to see your parents next Monday." I caressed the stone block. "I love you... I miss you more every fucking second.." I kissed my hand and softly pressed it against the cool surface. "Until next Sunday my love." I smiled and turned around to leave. A small figure made me stumble back a little.

"Jesus Victor you scared me.." I laughed and picked him up. He looked over at me and wiped away the tears I didn't know I had. "Don't cry, daddy!" He wrapped his arms around my neck, as far as his small arms could go, and hugged me tightly. I stopped walking and hugged him back. Unable to control myself, I started to sob into my three-year-old son's shoulder. I fell onto my knees and sat on the ground, crying. I needed to stop, for Victor. I took a deep breath and slowly got myself under control. Victor was sniffling a little and when I looked at him his lip quivered. "I'm sorry bubba.." "I miss Mommy too," He whimpered. I nodded and put my hand on the back of his head, carefully caressing his curly hair. He looked like me but he had his mother's eyes.

"I know you do kiddo... I promise I'm doing my best." He nodded and put his cheek onto mine, hugging me again. I smiled and held him close, kissing his head repeatedly.

We held each other for one more minute before I picked him up and continued back to the car.

We got in and I buckled him into his car seat. "Can we get Donalds?" I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, let's go get some Donalds." I pulled out of the cemetery parking lot and drove down the street to the closest McDonalds.

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