This is a Miles smut but I can't think of a title

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Smut :)

[ Narrator ]

Miles and Y/n laid in bed together, fast asleep. They were both in their usual sleep attire, Miles in his boxers and Y/n in a tank top and her underwear.

They slept peacefully while Flora showed the new nanny around. "So you have a brother?" Kate asked the small girl.

"I do, he's in his room with Y/n."

"Who's Y/n?" Kate queried as the girl led the woman to her brother's room.

"His girlfriend."

Flora opened Miles' door, revealing the sleeping couple. Miles's head resting against her cleavage while Y/n's arms were loosely around him.

"Do they always sleep together?" Flora nodded and looked at her. "Why?" Flora asked, finding her question strange. Kate shrugged and shut the door. "Usually people don't sleep together until they're married."

Flora furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "Nuh-uh." Kate laughed and pat Flora's head. "I suppose it's none of my business how they choose to sleep. How old are they?"


Kate and Flora walked down the hall so Flora could show Kate her room.

. . .

Miles and Y/n were in the kitchen, fooling around. Y/n laughed and Miles picked her up, spinning her around.

Kate cleared her throat to catch their attention. Miles looked over and smiled. "Oh good, can you please take our laundry from our bathroom? I usually do it but I'm awfully tired. Don't take anything. Thanks."

He went back to playing with Y/n before Kate interrupted them again. "I'm not a maid, I'm the nanny. It wasn't in my contract I'd be looking after 2 other children."

"You won't. We're pretty independent. You're barely older than us." Miles gave her a mischievous grin before grabbing Y/n's hand and pulling her away.

. . .

"Miles?" Y/n looked up at her boyfriend, who had fallen asleep. She smiled and carefully got off of the couch. Y/n walked downstairs to make herself a tea. It was raining, which had led to Miles falling asleep in the first place. She walked into the kitchen and saw Flora and Kate. She smiled warmly at them and Flora got up to hug her.

They were doing a puzzle. Y/n picked Flora up and began talking to Kate. "Sorry about Miles. He doesn't like that his uncle keeps replacing the nannies." Kate shrugged and Flora hugged Y/n's neck, careful not to choke her.

"That's alright. I understand his frustration. Do you live here or..?"

Y/n set Flora down, quickly whispering if she wanted a hot chocolate. Flora nodded and Y/n pat her head. "Yeah, I do. My family situation is kind of fu- a mess..."

Kate took note of the new tone in her voice, sadness. She stopped pressing the younger woman and watched as she prepared two mugs. "Would you like anything?" Y/n asked. Kate nodded and asked for a hot chocolate as well.

. . .

After hanging out with Flora and Kate all day, she left to go wake Miles. The three girls helped Ms. Grose with dinner and they were so excited to try it. Especially Flora. Y/n entered the living room and smiled at the sight of her sleeping boyfriend.

[ Y/n ]

I sat down on the floor next to the couch. Miles's mouth hung wide open. I knew that meant he was having a good nap. He must not of slept well last night. I started running my fingers through his hair. This always woke Miles up.

"Y/n..." He grumbled. I smiled and leaned down to kiss his cheek. Miles opened his eyes and looked at me. "Dinner." I whispered. He nodded, rubbing his eyes. "Okay..." I sat with my back against the couch, holding his hand. "The nanny isn't that bad Miles." I murmured. "None of them are until Flora trusts them. Then they just leave and break her heart."

I sighed and Miles stood up. He offered a hand to me and I took it. He helped me up and pulled me into a hug. I smiled and hugged him back. "I love you." He whispered.

. . .

Miles wasn't tired at all and decided that he wanted to have sex. We haven't had sex in a while so I agreed.

Miles laid in front of me and I did my own thing. "Do it quieter." He demanded. "I can't." I muttered. Miles sighed and grabbed my hair. He slowly pushed my head down to his base and held me there. "Stop choking and I'll pull you back up." He said. I calmed down enough to stop making noises. Miles pulled me back up and sat up.

"Alright let's start."

I laid down and he got on top of me. He spread my legs with his and put one of his hands in my hair. "Do you love me?" He whispered. I nodded and he kissed my neck. "Why do you confide in others?"

"B-because I'm friendly. That's how you make friends. Miles please put it in."

Miles thrust himself into me. My head fell to the side and I tried not to moan. He gripped my hair and kissed my shoulder. I gasped as he sped up a little. "Y/n..." I nodded and knew exactly what he wanted. "You're fucking s-selfish. And you're a spoiled brat. No one loves you and I-I-I use you for money and sex."

He gripped my waist and choked on moans he tried to keep in.

"You're fucking disgusting Miles. You're such a manwhore you couldn't go a day without touching yourself."

He nodded and sped up.

"I never even cum when we have sex. Your dick is too small."

Miles flipped me over and pulled me up on all fours. I felt weak but he held me. Miles fucked me from behind for a minute before stopping to catch his breath. In return, I moved my hips against him. I could imagine Miles running his hands through his hair. "Fuuuck..." he whispered. His hand came down hard on my ass, making me whimper.

He grabbed my hips and guided me back and forth. "I'm close." I said. "Me too." He answered. Miles eventually went back to thrusting in to me. My legs shook and I was about to fall. "Fuck... Miles."

I felt my climax take over and I fell back onto the bed. Miles jerked himself off for a moment before cumming on my back. I sighed and laid my head on the pillow for a second. Miles laid down next to me looking over at me. "Clean that up." I mumbled. "I will... I just wanna look at your pretty face." I smiled and Miles leaned in.

He kissed me lightly, brushing some hair out of my face.

"I love you Miles."
"I love you too..."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now