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"Woohoo!" She stood up in the car, making Boris anxious. The convertible was the first of many luxury's the two would enjoy together. The grin on her face was brighter than anything he'd ever seen. She was genuinely happy. She felt like she was a queen, she felt like she could do anything and at the moment, she could've.

At the moment.

The woman stared at her long term boyfriend with tears streaming down her face. "Detka-"
He touched her but she flinched away from him. The only noises was coming from behind the locked door. The sound of young adults having the night of their lives. He stepped closer to her, placing his hands on her cheeks. Her back hit the door and his forehead rested on top of her. "I'm sorry." He whispered. Their noses touched, their lips not far from each other. Neither of them had good lives growing up. Neither of them had healthy coping mechanisms. Neither of them really knew how to handle themselves. Y/n brought her hands up to the nape up his neck. She started to cry more, breaking the man's heart. He started to panic. He didn't know what the fuck he was supposed to do. He pressed his lips on top of hers, moving his hands down from her face to her hips. Y/n was glad he made this move, she felt like talking about it might've killed her. She could taste the coke on his tongue, it was a bitter taste in her mouth.

Boris is an addict. And that's all he ever was. It's all he's ever known. He will always turn to drugs.

"Oh my god you're so fucking nosy!" The two stood on opposite sides of the bed, shouting at each other. "You should have no problems with me being on your phone if you aren't hiding nothing!" He argued. He was scared. If she was cheating he didn't know what he'd do with himself. He wanted to stop. He wanted to leave the room and hide in a dark room somewhere, maybe a closet. He'd cry. He'd tear himself apart from the inside out. Like he always did.
Y/n wasn't cheating. In all her past relationships all the other men have always found something to be mad at on her phone. She was scared. She didn't want fight with him. She didn't want him to hit her. He never had but in her mind every man resorted to violence. She wanted to stop. She wanted to lie him down and make him forget everything. That's what she did best. An orgasm always solved her problems. Men just want to be pleased.

Men don't love her. They love her body. That's why they hit her. That's why sex fixed everything. No one had ever love her.

Boris gripped her soft skin between his fingers, letting out a pleasure filled sigh. She sat up, pulling her lips off of his neck, and leaned back. Her hands gripped just below his knees. She looked beautiful to him. It was like the world was in slow motion. Her hair was a mess, her makeup melted and smudged, her hips rolling against his, her mouth open. Her voice... Maybe that was the first thing he fell in love with. The way she would speak to him. She had a perfect voice. He always wanted to listen to it. He wanted her to talk about random shit he'd never heard of. Things he didn't care about. He couldn't care less if she was talking gibberish.

Her voice was the first thing he'd fallen in love with in many, many years.

The two splashed each other in the water, screaming and laughing. He grabbed her waist and picked her up. She grabbed his arms and laughed. Boris kissed her neck playfully, tickling her. "FISH!" He dropped her and she watched as he ran after some fish. This was the only reason he was here. Boris loved fish. Not eating them, seeing them. He'd been to an aquarium once as a kid. He told Y/n all he wanted was one guppy. It was all he asked for for his birthday and Christmas for years. His mother once got him one but his father killed it days later. She smiled as he pointed into the water and shouted to her about how there was a school of them.

She felt something for him for the first time in a long time. Something more than love. More than admiration. More than lust. A feeling she had never known. A feeling she'd never figure out until it was gone.

"YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM! HE'S INNOCENT!" "Ma'am we understand you're upset but you need to calm down or we'll have you arrested as well." I shook the officers hand off of me and walked back into the motel room. What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? She was going to be sick. The next thing she knew she was answering the phone. "This is a call from Marion county jail. Do you accept this call?" "Yes!" She said frantically she had been so lost without him. The two hadn't been apart this long in years. It had only been six or seven hours. She had fallen asleep by the toilet. "Hey прекрасный..." "Boris! Are you okay? How much is your bond?! I'm coming to get you right now!" "Only $600." She silently thanked the god she'd never believed in and sighed. "I love you so much Boris..." "I love you more." He grumbled. He was exhausted. "I'll be over soon." "Thank you a lot." She smiled and wiper her tears. "You're welcome Boris..." /// He walked out of the holding cell looking tired. The second he saw Y/n he brightened up. There she was... His princess. Waiting. He loved her. She embraced him so tightly he almost passed out. "I love you." She whispered, making him feel warm. And she meant it. "I love you too..." He also meant it. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with his woman and felt like he'd die if he didn't.

They both truly loved each other.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now