Take your shit

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If you have meds... Just take them. Cause I know damn well I spend so much time being sad when I could easily fix it by taking my meds so just... Take your drugs kids responsibly kids. But if you are a kid just fucking have your mom like set them out for you??? You shouldn't be handling your own meds but ah whatever.

(P.S. this is Tyler lore I've made up but only briefly mention in a chapter I don't think I've even posted yet but maybe I did anyways Tyler was in the marines. That's the precursor to becoming a hitman for him. So that's why he has ptsd. Just so it doesnt seem like I fuckin threw ptsd at him,,, he has a reason, no cap.)

[ Tyler ]

Fuck... I'm so fucking tired. I silently locked the front door and crept upstairs. It's so shitting late. God, I can barely form proper thoughts... "Dad?" I turned to Victor and he shined his phone flashlight as me. "Where were you?" He asked. "Can you turn that off... I was taking extra hours at the office so I can have your birthday off." I muttered.

"Really?" He asked. I laughed and rubbed my eyes. "Yeah. Come give me a hug and get your ass in bed." Victor came over and hugged me for a moment before walking back to his room. Fuck, I wonder if I'll ever tell them I'm not really a relator... I don't know. It's too late for that. I shut the bedroom door and I walked over to the bed.

"Hey, I'm home." I whispered, kissing her slightly parted lips. "Mghhh..." She groaned. "Mmm." I mocked her playfully.

Y/n rolled over and I lightly kissed her shoulder before walking into the bathroom to change out of my clothes.

Heaven forbid I ever have something comfortable just laying around. I always have to search for it.

I ended up being too exhausted to even think about trying to find pajamas and ended up just crawling back to bed in my underwear.

. . .

"Tyler. Tyler."

"Hm?" I groaned, squinting at the figure in front of me. "What?" I asked in an annoyed tone. "Don't give me attitude. It's one in the afternoon and you're still asleep."

"Babe I got back from work really late last night so I could have today and tomorrow off. Can I please sleep?"

She stared at me and I sighed. "I'll be downstairs in a few minutes."

"No, no. I'm going to the grocery store for some stuff. Go back to sleep baby." I smiled and leaned in to kiss her before collapsing back down into our bed falling back asleep.

.  .  .

"Dad?" I hummed and opened my eyes. "It's dinner time."

"Okay I'll be right there..." I muttered. He nodded an left the room. I dragged myself out of bed and put on some pajamas before walking out of my room. I squinted at the harsh lights and walked downstairs slowly. "Good afternoon sleeping beauty." Y/n called. I hummed and sat down at the table. A big yawn left my mouth and Y/n set my plate in front of me.

"Thank you." I forced out. God, I'm seriously exhausted. I guess I've just been running on coffee and actually taking my adderall for the past 2 weeks.

"You should always come off any medication slowly. For you, I would recommend easing it down. Take 1 and a half of a pill then just one then half then the side effects of not taking it should be minimal."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now