𝘔𝘺 𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴

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[ Y/n ]

Boris shuffled around in bed too many times, making me open my eyes. I stared into the darkness and he continued to toss and turn.

"Boris." I whispered groggily, not wanting to listen to him anymore. "Sorry." He replied, laying still. "Would you like to cuddle?" I asked.

He didn't respond but shifted so I was pulled close to his chest. I smiled and closed my eyes. He rested his head on top of mine and sighed.

There was the pattering of feet on the floor when a loud scream came from the hall. Boris and I sat up, getting out of bed.

"Viktor?" Boris called as he opened the door. I turned the hallway lights on and saw Oliver on the floor.

I ran over and sat down, picking him up. My heart was racing, trying to figure out what happened to him. "I swear I didn't do it to him папа! I walked out to see him and he was laying on the floor.

Oliver yawned and cuddled closer to me. I sighed and held him close to me. "It's okay, he just fell asleep... On the floor I guess."

Boris sighed and took Viktor's hand. We walked them back to their room where we tucked them in. We kissed both of their heads before walking out of the room.

I turned the hallway light off and went back into our room. We got in bed and returned to our previous position.

"They scare me." He whispered. I nodded and sighed as Boris's hands slid up my shirt to rest on my stomach.

The creak of our door opening made me stir. Boris's grip tightened, it always did when he thought I was leaving.

There was a heavy weight on my legs that moved up. Whichever twin it was, sat on our stomachs and started to shake us.

I opened my eyes and looked at Oliver. "Hey, baby, what's wrong?" I whispered. He signed that there was a man in the living room and my eyes widened.

"Where's your brother?" I whispered. 'With the man' he signed. 'He said to tell you it's Theo'

I sighed and nodded. I placed a kiss onto his forehead and shook Boris awake. "Too early." He murmured. "Wake up, Theo's here."

He opened his eyes and squinted at me and Oliver. "Potter? Sure?" Oliver nodded and Boris stood up. I sat up as well and Boris shook his head. "I send Viktor up to sleep more. You all sleep." I nodded and kissed his cheek before laying back on my pillow to sleep.

Boris left and Oliver crawled in Boris's spot, hugging me. "Hold on precious." I whispered, getting out of bed.

I went to the closet and changed into something that wasn't lingerie I wore for Boris. I put on some pajama shorts and a shirt and walked back out.

Viktor was in bed as well now. I smiled and crawled back into my spot. "Mommy, mommy, mommy." Viktor whispered. "Yes, my love?" I replied.

"Daddy's friend gave me this picture." He handed me a picture of Theo, Boris, and I as teenagers. It was taken the night before Theo left.

I smiled and looked at it for a moment. "That's you!" He pointed out. I nodded and put the picture away.

Not only were we underaged with drugs and alcohol, but I was also covered in hickeys and not wearing the most appropriate clothing.

I pulled the covers over the three of us and wrapped my arm around them.

[ Boris ]

I walked downstairs, rubbing my eyes. "Theo? The fuck man..." I mumbled. "Wow Boris, not even a hello?" I rolled my eyes and walked over, embracing him.

"Why are you here Potter?" He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I wanted to see Y/n." He whispered.

My stomach filled with a familiar feeling of anger. He and Y/n dated for two months before they broke up and she started dating me.


"She um... Has something of mine. I need it back." I sighed and closed my eyes. The three of them in bed together made me smile. I couldn't wait to join them.

"Fine, I get it and you never come back early." He nodded and I stood up. "What is it?"

"A necklace. It has an emerald in the middle of a detailed charm." I nodded and went upstairs to the bathroom.

I dug through Y/n's jewelry for a minute before finding the necklace. I walked out and looked back at my bed.

Y/n looked like an angel asleep and the twins still looked like two devils. I still loved them a lot though...

I walked downstairs and handed Theo the necklace. "Also... Do you have anything? Like... Could I get some Vicodin...?" I rubbed my forehead and shook my head.

"No Potter."

"Come on man, please. I like- I really fucking need it. Like, bad. Just like... Ten pills man." I shook my head again and started to push him towards the door.

"Fine. It's fine. Bye Boris." He waved and left. I rubbed my temples and walked back upstairs.

I crawled in bed and put my arm under Y/n's. Oliver rolled over and reached up, making a face like he was whining. I smiled and pulled my arm away.

I placed my hand under his butt, making sure he didn't shit himself in our bed. He didn't and Oliver took the opportunity to step on my hand.

He pushed himself up until his head was next to mine. He put his arms around my back and hugged me.

I smiled and hugged him back. He tucked his head under mine and I smiled wider. My kids were way cuter than anyone else's.

Everyone else has annoying kids.

Mine are cute.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now