Mind Over Matter

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Uh yeah this is kinda present time but still Victorian vibes. Also he wrote Mind Over Matter for you so yeah.

[ Narrator ]

Miles' fingers trembled as he strummed the strings of his bass. "It's not good..." He laughed. Y/n clicked her tongue and kissed the side of his face. "I'm sure it's great Milo. Just let me hear it!"

"Fine..." He whined as he opened his computer and pulled up the song. Y/n took his headphones and tried to contain her excitement. Miles has been working on a song for her for months and he finally finished it. He hesitated and Y/n sighed, sitting up and pressing the space button. The tune started and she laid back down on his bed.

Miles picked at his fingers as he watched the time marker tauntingly move through the song. He also watched Y/n. He watched the way her fingers drummed to the beat and how a smile was on her face the entire time.

Her smile was contagious because the longer he watched her the wider his smile grew. He stood up and put his bass back where it belonged. His mind wandered to all ends as the song seemingly went on forever.

Y/n eventually sat up, pulling the earbuds out. Miles had plopped back down into the beanbag. They stared at each other before Y/n stood up. She sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Don't overreact..." Miles pleaded. "I'm doing my best not to but that was... So sweet and good. You're so talented and so in love with me!"

She couldn't contain herself she pressed kisses all over his face and neck while Miles whined and begged her to stop (even though he could sit here and let her kiss him all day). "Miles I love, love, loved it! I loved it. I really did. You know what I love more though?"

"Oh no..." Miles had a disappointed look on his face as he waited for her honesty.

"You, dumbass!"

Miles's cheeks heated up at her flirting and he kissed her to hide it. Y/n kissed back, playing with his hair. "Miles! Miles! Come quick!" Flora shouted from outside his door. He hummed and continued making out with Y/n. "Miles!" She shouted again. Miles pulled away and tossed his head back. "What is it Flor?" She opened the door and invited herself into his room.

"I wanna play hide and seek with you and Y/n/n."

"Alright, we'll be out soon. Why don't you go get some other people and come back when you have two other people to play with?" Flora nodded and ran out of his room. Miles looked back at Y/n and connected their lips again. Y/n would never get over how perfect his lips were. She loved his kisses so much.

Flora came running back to Miles's room before stopping to stare at them. Her face contorted into one of disgust as she watched Miles deepen the kiss. She ran in and grabbed Miles by the shoulders. She pulled him back and broke the kiss. "Flora!" He whined. "Come on! Stop being gross so we can play!"

"It's not gross Flor." Miles mumbled as Y/n got off of his lap. He stood up and followed behind the girls as Flora led them to the parlor. Flora's handmaid and the nanny were waiting for them. "Now! Let's play!" She shouted. "Who's it?" Miles asked. "Ms. Jessel is!" Flora handed her the flashlight and ran away giggling.

Miles grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled her along with him down the hall. They laughed as he pulled her into a dark closet. "Seven minutes in heaven?" Miles whispered. "Shut up." Y/n rolled her eyes and leaned her head on his chest. Miles caressed her back and shut his eyes. He listened to people walk past the door and assumed it was the other two players.

"Is your period over?" Miles suddenly whispered. "Yeah." She replied. "Oh cool." He rested his chin on her head and hummed the tune to the song he worked so hard on. "Can we f-" "Miles shh! Listen."

They both listened as the flashlight clicked on and off and footsteps approached the door. They both started to smile and hold their breath as the steps got closer. They passed and both of them let out quiet giggles.

They opened the door and peaked out. "Come on." Miles led her out of the closet, shutting the door behind them. They ran off to find a new hiding spot. They ran into the kitchen and looked around frantically. "What are you two doing?" One of the maids asked. "Hiding." Miles beamed. "Don't give us away." Y/n added as they squeezed into a small space between cabinets. If someone peeked in they wouldn't have seem them and maybe they'd even walk by if they weren't really thinking.

Miles and Y/n were pressed up against each other and it was still awfully tight. "Miles! Y/n! You win! Again! Come out!" They heard Flora shout from upstairs. They all knew the game really ended when they finally found Y/n and Miles.

Miles rested his head against the wall and Y/n moved her head onto his chest.

"Are Miles and Y/n in here?" Flora asked. A moment later she jumped in front of the couple and laughed. "Found you! Found you!"

"Hey! You cheated! You can't ask for help!" Miles argued as he slid out of he tight space. Y/n followed them as Miles chased Flora upstairs. "Flora please don't scream in the house!" The nanny shouted. "Sorry!" Miles grabbed her and tickled her. Y/n laughed and watched how he was so kind to Flora.

'He's too sweet behind that mean evil persona he shows everyone.' Y/n thought to herself happily.

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