Men suck sometimes

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[ Y/n ]

Miles has trouble adjusting to new things.

New schedules, new lifestyles, new family.

But children you've had for 6 years aren't that new. You would think he would have gotten used to them by now. For example, last night.

"Shh, you're going to wake the twins up." I whispered as he sloppily kissed my almost bare body. "No, no. We're fine." He bent down and moved my underwear aside. I bit my lip and groaned quietly as he started to eat me out. "Shit..." I whispered. He held my hips closer to his face so he could get more aggressive.

"Mommy? Daddy?" I turned around and gasped, trying to push Miles off of me. He continued to pleasure me, putting me in this awkward position. The twins looked at me but luckily couldn't really see what Miles was doing. "Miles the twins." I muttered. He sighed and stood up. The twins were no doubt afraid of Miles most of the time.

What child wouldn't be? He's a 6' something grown man who is very fit and very stern. Even though Miles is often very soft around the twins, they still cower under him whenever he's making a face that isn't a happy one. This is especially hard since his resting face is kind of a scowl.

He walked over to them and put his hands on his hips. "You're interrupting mommy and I. What do you need?"

"You were being l-loud so we came to see what was wrong..." Victor answered anxiously. Miles sighed and stared at the two with a disapproving look.

This morning was far worse though.

Miles held my shoulders as he slammed his dick fully into me over and over again. "Momma! Momma look!"

Victor burst into our room, startling me. "Miles!" he grunted and continued. "They'll leave once they see we're busy." He muttered. Victor stood right next to us and I held the covers over Miles and I.

"What's dad doing?" He asked, his drawing obviously far from his mind now. "I'm having sex you idiot."


I sat up, pulling him out of me. "What?" He said. I grabbed my pajamas and slid them back on.

"You ruined it you little gremlin. I was gonna cum." I looked at Miles who glanced back at me. "You ruined it for yourself Miles. Come here baby." I stood up and picked Victor up. He was trembling. "It's okay precious, daddy would never hurt you."

I sat in the living room with the boys. Oliver and I played together while Victor played with one of our budgies, Flora Jr. I hadn't seen Miles all day which was good because I was pretty pissed at him. Flora Jr. flew over to Oliver and landed on his head.

Victor get her off!

Victor sighed and walked over. "Why are you scared of them? When they bite it doesn't even hurt."

They just scare me.

Victor rolled his eyes and walked away to go play with Quint Jr., who was screaming for attention. Oliver hugged me and I hugged him back, swaying us a little. I kissed his head and he looked up at me. I smile and brushed his hair out of his face. "You're very handsome, just like your daddy. You both are. You look almost exactly how he looked when he was your age."

"Mommy was daddy always a grinch?" Victor asked from across the room.

I laughed and covered my mouth. "Not around me he wasn't."

.  .  .

I was starting to worry. It was dinner and he still wasn't anywhere to be seen. The boys ate while I paced the foyer anxiously. He's always back by dusk and it was already pitch black outside. The door opened and he was muttering something to himself. "Miles!" He looked up and I ran into his arms. "Oh my god, where were you? You scared the shit out of me! I love you so so much."

I kissed his face a few times and he stood there. "You don't hate me?" He asked. "Miles of course not. Yeah I'm pissed you did that little stunt this morning but I was so worried about you all day. Where were you?"

I pulled away and he held up some flowers. "I went to some flower shops find a bouquet you'd like..."

I stared at him and started to laugh, taking the flowers. It was an arrangement of all my favorites. "There was only one store on the other side of town with this arrangement."

I covered my mouth and leaned my head onto his chest. "What?" He asked. "Baby you can have them make a custom bouquet."

He wrapped an arm around my hips and sighed. "Damn..."

.  .  .

Miles sat down at the dinner table and glanced up at the boys. "I'm sorry for being a dick this morning Victor. I know you just wanted to show your mother something. It's not your fault I didn't get to finish a great round of morning sex with my-"

I cleared my throat and he sighed. "Sorry Vic."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now