Soulmates <33

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[ Richie ]

I sat in calculus with my head in my arms. How did I even get here? I looked up and fixed my glasses. A glance to my left and I saw the new girl zoned out as well. I wonder if she's found her soulmate... So far everything is still grey for me. It's annoying because all my friends can see color.

The bell rang and I jumped, looking around. "Sleepy Mr. Tozier?" My teacher joked. "No sir, just so interested I lost track of time." I responded. He rolled his eyes and told me to get out. I gathered all my things and rushed out of the classroom.

"Big Bill!" Bill turned and I purposely slammed into him. He stumbled and hit a locker and then shoved me back. "Hey f-fuck you." He pushed his finger into my chest. "Sorry Billy, guess I didn't know my own strength." He rolled his eyes and I fixed my glasses. "Hey guys. How was your day Bill?" Beverly flirted.

I assumed he was blushing and fake gagged.

.  .  .

I hugged a pillow tightly to my chest and cried into it. Why can't I find my soulmate? You're supposed to find them when you turn 13 and I'm 16. People whisper that I'm one of those people who doesn't have a soulmate.

That's really fucking scary.

I sighed and wiped my eyes, holding my breath for a moment. I let it out and stared at the ceiling.

Who even cares? Love is stupid. I hate love. My friends are enough and as long as I keep making people laugh, I'll be happy too.

.  .  .

4 months later

It's confirmed. I'll never find love. My parents and the losers have both told me I've changed. They'd never understand though! I just want to have someone to cuddle and laugh with and kiss.

They all have someone but I'm alone.

"Hey Rich... You coming to the quarry tomorrow?" I looked up at Beverly and shrugged. "Sure." She smiled and nodded, lightly hitting my shoulder. "Well... I'll see you there." She waved and I biked home.

.  .  .

The next day I showed up to the quarry, trying to be positive. Beverly was there smoking. "Can I get one of those?" She nodded and passed me one. "Thanks." I muttered as she lit it. "Richie I invited someone... She hasn't found her soulmate either." I looked at her and laughed, rolling my eyes. "Bev I think I'm just one of those freaks who doesn't have a soulmate."

"Bullshit." She scoffed.

"H-hey guys." Beverly got up and went to greet Bill.

.  .  .

Within ten minutes everyone was here. We were all undressing and I felt my palms sweat as Y/n chatted with the others. All of the sudden there was loud screaming and I looked over at the group. Y/n stood peering over the edge, her ass was slightly exposed and I bit my lip. I felt a warm feeling build up inside me and ignored it, knowing it was probably a pre-boner or something. She turned to me and laughed nervously.

"Nervous?" I asked, walking over. She nodded and we stood in front of each other. "I'll jump with you." She smiled and we stood by the edge. "Ready?" She nodded and I looked back over the edge. "Set..."


She grabbed my hand and pulled me off the edge. Suddenly the whole world was dazzling colors, so bright they practically blinded me. I hit the water and quickly came up. "Do you-" "Yeah I see it!" I exclaimed, looking around. "What's going on?" Beverly swam over. "Your hair is red!" I gawked. She laughed and brought her hand up to it.

"So you guys touched?" She asked. We nodded and Y/n grabbed my hand underwater. I looked over at her and felt my grin grow larger as she and Beverly excitedly chatted with each other.

So it wasn't her ass that made me feel all warm and shit... It was love.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now