Another titleless Miles smut II

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Not checked because i hate checking long chapters.

[ Miles ]

I stood in the kitchen in a very angry haze. I hate that stupid nanny. I want her gone. I noticed a figure in the window and turned. "Flor..." She smiled and walked over to me. "Miles can you get me a cup of warm milk?" She asked. I shrugged and pulled out a glass. Oh god I wish I had my own child to are for... I'd be a great dad.

I'd love them and take care of them... They'd never have a worry in the world. And Y/n... She would be the perfect mother. She's caring and kind. So sweet. I think to an extent Flora might subconsciously consider Y/n and I her parents. She knows we didn't conceive her but we did raise her as best we could.

"Miles?" I looked down at Flora and she pointed at the microwave. "It's finished." I smiled and turned back to the microwave. Is that really how they make it? They don't boil the milk? Did I really just do all of that without even realizing it?

"Bye Miles." I waved and Flora left the kitchen. I turned back to the window and stared at the moonlit fields. I was exhausted...

But I was also dirty. I needed a fucking shower. I walked back upstairs and into the bedroom. I saw Y/n still in bed and sighed.

"Baby..." I walked over to her side of the bed and crouched down. "Babe." Y/n hummed and I caressed her face. "You need to shower." I whispered. "Run us a bath, love." She opened her eyes and I sighed. "Anything for you princess."

I walked into the bathroom and started the bath. I knew turning the light on would be too harsh so I started lighting candles. I heard her footfall on the floor and turned to her. Y/n was naked so of course I took a second to admire her. She walked over and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you Miles."

"I love you too Y/n."

.  .  .

Y/n sat in my lap with her back against my chest. She was exhausted and it was pretty cute. I laughed as she started to doze off and kissed her neck to keep her awake. "Mmmmm, Miles."

"Yes ma'am?"

She laughed and grabbed at my hair. Ah fuck. "That much to get you hard? You're soft for me."

"Poor choice of words darling." I whispered in her ear before kissing her jawline and neck.

[ Y/n ]

"You get hard so easily babe." I whispered. "Yeah?" He asked. I nodded and sighed. "Well I suppose I should help you out but... Not in the tub."

"Why not in the tub?" Miles asked, locking his arms around my waist. "It'll be too loud and make a huge mess." Miles sighed and shook his head. "Okay, get out." He finally said. I got out of the tub and Miles followed. He didn't pull the plug though, which was a little confusing. He laid down on the floor and I stared at him.

"Ride me."

"That's not clean."

"The maids just cleaned the bathroom today. Get on my dick."

I sighed and sat down on him. "Holy shhhhhhhhhit." Miles looked at me and gripped my thighs. I started rocking my hips against him, wincing at how hard he was. It honestly hurt pretty bad. I pretended it didn't because I didn't want to ruin it for Miles. The second he realized I was in pain he'd call it off.

I started going faster and Miles closed his eyes. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fu-u-uckkkkkk. Keep on going like that. Just like that baby. Oh my god Y/n." He whined. I bit my lip and tried to keep myself quiet. I was honestly in so much pain but Miles was having the time of his life.

"God Y/n... I'm gonna cum."

"That fast?" I asked but immediately regretted it.

"Want me to hold on? Are you close?"

I shook my head than nodded. "Can I cum or not princess?"

"You can cum!" I said a little too loud.

Miles came and I gasped. "Holy fuck." Miles looked down at me. "Are you cumming?" He asked.

No, I wasn't.

"Yes. Oh my god Miles you feel so good."

"I love you so much baby." He almost cried. "I love you too Miles. So much."

Miles sighed and I stopped moving. "I think I'm done cumming." I nodded and got off. Miles sighed and looked over at me. "Oh god I love you Y/n." I smiled and panted out a few breaths. "Now come on. Let's finish our bath."

.  .  .

"What's it say? What's it say?" Miles excitedly asked. I handed him the pregnancy test and his face lit up. "Oh my god... I'm gonna be a dad!" I laughed and Miles hugged me. "Oh I love you baby. So so much." I laughed and took the test back. "Can we go tell the others?" Miles asked excitedly. "Sure, go ahead bubba."

"But you have to come with me sweetheart." He whispered. "Okay, alright. I will."

.  .  .

Miles walked downstairs, pulling me with him. Flora, Kate, and Ms. Grose were all seated at the table. Miles smiled and stood by the table. "Well you two are up early and in an abnormal mood." Kate muttered. "Y/n's pregnant." Miles beamed. "Excuse me?" Kate practically choked on her food. "You're excused. Do you want a boy or a girl Flora?"

"Ummm... A baby brother! Wait... A baby sister!"

"Wait, wait, wait. Flora this isn't going to be your brother or sister."

"So what is it?" She asked. Miles had forgotten, Flora never met her cousins. She never left the estate and Miles refused to let any distant family come to see them. "A niece or nephew. Your brother's child is your niece or nephew."  Ms. Grose clarified. "You aren't going to punish them?! You won't even stop it?!" Kate exclaimed.

"I surely hope you aren't suggesting they give the child up!" Ms. Grose retorted.

"We have to continue the bloodline, Kate. We plan to get married after we have the child."

Flora happily munched away at her food while Miles threw the pregnancy test out on the table and Kate looked down at it. "You're right. It's positive." Kate whispered. I was uncomfortable, Kate was obviously angry. I let go of Miles's hand and ran upstairs.

[ Miles ]

I looked back at the stairs as Y/n ran away. "Y/n!" I looked at the stairs and sighed. "Damn."

I looked back at Kate and made sure she knew I was pissed at her. I grabbed the test and ran upstairs after Y/n. I knocked on the door and then opened it.
Y/n was laying in bed, crying. I shut the door and walked over to her. "Y/n/n..." She's probably hormonal. "Miles that nanny is such a bitch! Did you see the way she looked at us?!"

I smiled and kissed her forehead. "I know. I really do. I hate that stupid cunt just as much as you do. But it doesn't matter. She doesn't have any authority over us... So we should start thinking of names."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now