𝘗𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴

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[ Y/n ]

"Knock it off Richie! It's not funny!" I groaned as Richie held my books out of my reach. "Oh but it is.." He chucked.

I was desperate to get them back, they had my most recent Y/n x Richie drawings stuffed in them. Some, were especially nsfw.

I gave up and hugged his waist. "You're a real meanie Richard." He put his arms around me and leaned down to rest his head on top of mine.

We pulled away and Richie sat on his bed. He set the books on the floor and laid down. "I'm going to sit on your face." I mumbled as I picked my books up.

"That's hardly a punishment babe, I'd actually like that a lot." I was conscious of my underwear getting damp, it always did when Richie made a sexual joke about me.

I sat on the far side of his bed, laying down as well. Our heads were next to each other, staring at the glow in the dark stars we all had on our ceilings.

"I'm gonna have my first kiss soon Rich..." I whispered, knowing Bev and I had planned out how I would kiss Richie at the school dance that was happening in a few days.

He lit a cigarette and started to smoke. "Oh yeah? Have you practiced?" I shrugged, "Of course not." He sighed and sat up.

"Never fear precious Y/n, Trashmouth Tozier is here and will be your test dummy. Now kiss me up."

Come to think of it, this would be Richie's first kiss too. I wanted it to be special. Since Richie was the guy I was going to kiss anyway, I didn't feel bad. At all.

I sat up and Richie put his cigarette out, what a waste. I sat in his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, twirling some of his baby curls around my finger.

"Wow... Y-you're really going for it..." he whispered. I pulled him in and our lips met. Richie's lips were a weird chapped but also soft texture.

His hands roamed to my hips, lightly rubbing them. We continued to kiss for a moment before I opened my mouth for him.

Richie excitedly plunged his tongue into my mouth. He tasted like cigarettes and Dorito's and I fucking loved it.

The only noise in his room was our not so quiet kissing and quieter whimpers and moans. Eventually I pulled away I looked down at my thighs.

"I think I just stole your first kiss." Richie mumbled. "That was the plan all along." I whispered, rubbing his torso. "Wanna see underneath?"

I nodded and pushed Richie's shirt up. He slipped it off and exposed his pale body. Despite being in the sun so frequently, Richie never gets a tan.

I'm okay with that. He's a cute little ghost boy. Not to mention how he has freckles that spread across his v-line.

I leaned down and peppered kisses all over his body. He sighed and arched his back. "Richie! We're home!" I jumped off of him and he pulled his shirt back on.

We both wiped our lips and Richie tossed a shirt over the cigarette box. We laid next to each other and he grabbed a comic.

It wasn't unusual for us to sit like this, I did it because I could never be this close to Rich without an excuse. "Richie? Oh, hey Y/n! How're you?" Richie's mom came into his room. I smiled and Richie put the comic down.

"I'm good, thank you. How're you?" She smiled and nodded, "Good, good. So I hate to ask this of you but can you make sure he cleans up this room? I know it's not your job but you're the only person he listens to."

I nodded and gave a thumbs up, "Will do." She smiled again and left. Richie ran to shut his door, locking it.

"Okay ba-" "No kisses until you clean your room. It's not even that messy right now. I'll help. It won't take long." He nodded and sighed.

I got up and started to help clean, bending over occasionally. Halfway through and Richie was getting antsy.

I bent over and one of his belts lightly came in contact with my skin. I yelped then whimpered. The damp spot growing ever more visible.

When we finished, Richie picked me up and slammed me on his bed. "Richie! Come here please!" His mom called.

He rolled his eyes and gave me a few neck kisses. "Richard! Now!" He let his head hang as he walked out. "Rich wait!"

I ran over to him and gave him one last kiss. He smiled and left his room. I collapsed back on his bed and inhaled his scent.

Richie wasn't the best role model. He wasn't someone most kids would want their daughters to date. In fact, I've be subtly warned to stay way from Richie.

They don't know him though, the real him. The Richie that likes to cuddle and watch stupid movies. The Richie that holds my hand when we jump from the pier at the quarry because I'm scared.

The Richie that genuinely loves me for me.

Not once has he ever told me he wanted me to change in any way.

I rolled over and buried my head in his blankets. Richie wouldn't leave my mind for even a moment. He was always sitting on my shoulder and being especially loud right now.

A weight on my lower back made me whip around. Since Richie was sitting on me, I didn't move much.

"You scared me." I whined, laying down. Richie started to rub my shoulders, making me groan and close my eyes.

Out of no where, seconds after he had started, he got off of me. I huffed and rolled over.

Richie spread my legs and stood between them. He leaned down and started to place kisses onto my body.

He moved up until he was a my lips. We smiled at each other and I noticed Richie's glasses sliding down. I reached up and pushed them back up.

Riche kissed my palm before leaning down to kiss me. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Richie's tongue swiped across my bottom lip and I happily gave him access to my mouth. Richie's hands were on my cheeks, holding my face delicately.

All of the sudden, Richie's door swung open. We both jumped away from each other, staring at the door.

The losers stood with their mouths open. Beverly gave me two thumbs up. "Y-y-y-y-y-" Bill couldn't get it out.

"That was the most disgusting thing ever. I think I'm going to throw up. Do you know how many germs you exchange by kissing?!" Eddie cried.

"Oh c'mon Eds, it's not like your mommy doesn't slip a little tongue every once in a while." Richie joke, leaning against his dresser.

A few people, including myself, tried to hide our smiles. Eddie was about to go off when Stan cut in. "So, you two are a thing?"


Richie and I looked at each other than back at the Losers.


Everyone started to giggle and I looked back Richie. I nodded and he gave a nod back.


Fucking finally.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now