Insane romance

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[ Y/n ]

Bobert and I laid in bed together, making out. He pulled away and I sighed. "What?" He smiled. "We like never get alone time anymore and you want to talk?" I teased. "You're the one who begged for this."

Bobert rolled his eyes and we both laughed a little. "Okay... What do you need?" I asked. Bobert sucked in a breath and I bit my tongue. "I want more kids." I stared at him for a moment to wait for his follow up. "So..." He muttered. "B I almost died when I had the twins." He nodded and I sat up. "I know. I know I can't like... Fully relate but baby-"

"No! I'm- I- We- No!"

I stood up and Bobert followed. "Beautiful, I'm sorry! Don't leave!" I walked out of the room, shaking him off when he'd grab me. I walked into the twins' room and took a few breaths. "Mommy?" I looked down at Victor and smiled at him. "Hi baby. Come here. Where's Oliver?" I picked Victor up and looked around for Oliver.

I turned their closet light on and saw him hiding behind some clothes. I smiled and pretended to look for him.

[ Bobert ]

"Where could Oliver possibly be... Maybe here!" There was laughter from Y/n and Victor. Oliver was probably laughing too. I sighed and turned around, walking downstairs. "B!" I turned and Io caught up to me. "I need you and Y/n to go run some errands for me." He handed me the list and I sighed. "Can it be done later?" I rubbed my head and thought about how badly I fucked up this time.

"No. I have to remove Tonya's wisdom teeth and patch up Mark's injuries from hunting. Also, I'm running low on some supplies. Thank you." He smiled and walked off. Sometimes I think about giving up my position as pack leader but then I realize how if anyone else ran it, we'd all be dead in a week.

I walked upstairs and into the nursery. "Y/n. Io needs us to go run errands. They're urgent." I muttered. "Daddy! Look!" Victor and Oliver ran over and held up pictures.

"I drew us and Oli drew you and mommy!" I smiled and took the pictures. "These are great boys. I love them. Mommy and I-"

"Can we come?! Pleaseeeeeeeee!" Victor begged. Oliver silently pleaded as well and I sighed. "You have to behave and listen to me and your mom." They cheered and I called someone in to come dress them. Y/n and I walked back into our room to get dressed. She took her nightgown off and I looked at her. "Babe..."

I walked over and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Come on. Don't be mad. It was a stupid thing to say." I kissed her neck a few times before sliding my hand down her hips and between her legs. "I hate fighting with you." I whispered as I started to rub her. "We have to get dressed." She sighed. "It can wait a second." I kissed her neck some more and slid my fingers into her underwear.

"You're not-"

"I know. I'm not in the mood to be fucked right now. Sex doesn't always fix everything Bobert. God why does everything have to be about sex with you?!" She pushed me off of her and grabbed her clothes.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"It means any time anything happens you think you can just... Fuck it away! Guess what? That's now how it works. Sometimes I feel like a fucking sex doll to you. You just get a nice fuck in and then forget about me."

"You know I love you with every single thing in me. I fucking worship you."

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked into our bathroom, slamming the door shut.

.  .  .

I held the list and walked around Target looking for everything. "Max?" I froze and stared at the shelf for a moment before turning.

There they were. My mom, my stepdad, and my brother. I wanted to run but Henry and mom ran and hugged me. I stared at Hank with hatred for a moment before noticing something much more alarming. Mom and Henry let go of me and Victor and Oliver saw me. "Daddyyyyyy!" They both ran over and grabbed me.

My mom looked down at them then back up at me. "Are they why you left? Did you-"

"I have to go." I muttered, picking Oliver up and grabbing Victor's hand. "No! No." My mom stopped me and Y/n walked over. She took the boys from me and set them in the cart. "Is everything alright?" She asked as she joined me. "Who's she?" My mom asked. "My wife." It came out as more of a whimper than a regular sentence.

"You're married and you have kids? Christ all mighty..." My mom put a hand on her chest and I glanced over at Henry. "You're all grown up." I laughed nervously. "Why did you leave Max?" My mom pressed. "I- Mom. I have a good life-"

"WE DIDN'T! We searched everywhere for you! We thought you died!"

Y/n jumped and I caressed her arm. "Max just come home. We miss you so much. It's safe-"

"He's a fucking pedophile. And he's abusive. To you and to me. I swear to god if he touched Henry or did anything he did to me to him... I'll fucking kill you Hank. I'll kill you then kill you again. You know... I wanted the boys to know you, mom. I wanted them to know Henry. But I would never even take the chance of putting my kids in the same house as that... Freak."

They all stared at me and Y/n subtly urged me to leave. "Has he done anything to you?" I asked Henry. He shook his head and I laughed. "So what was it about me? Huh?" I turned to Hank. "You knew I was already fucked up?" He stood silently and I stepped towards him. Y/n stepped in front of me and mouthed that we should leave.

"Henry, you've grown up fine. Mom, you deserve better. And Hank... I hope you rot in hell you piece of shit. He's the reason I ran away, by the way."

I pulled Y/n away from them and she grabbed the cart.

.  .  .

[ Y/n ]

I opened the bedroom door and peeked in. Bobert was sitting on the edge of the bed staring at a wall. I walked in, shutting it behind me. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do but I have to do something. "Babe?" I got on the bed and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't mean it... I'm just scared to have to go through childbirth again." I whispered.

"It's fine."

I bit my lip and sighed. "Is there anything I can do?" I asked. Bobert pulled my arms off of him and got under the covers. "Just cuddle me... Please." I smiled and got under the covered with him. B wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing the top of my head.

No words were spoken. None needed to be.

I knew he was reliving the worst times of his life in his mind right now and I also knew he wasn't going to let me help him. Not directly at least. I just played with his hair and slowly fell asleep with him.

Bobert (or Max I suppose) was such a kind and caring person. I don't know why the universe let something as shitty as his stepdad happen to him but... Part of me is grateful. If that hadn't of happened I wouldn't have met him. I wouldn't have had the twins... This perfect life that I love. I wouldn't have it.

So thanks universe. For being horribly shitty to him then turning it into this amazing... Insane, romance.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now