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[ Tyler ]

Y/n, the twins, and I all sat on the couches. We watched random shit that caught our attention for a moment and then moved on. Eventually, I got hot and took my shirt off.

"Hoooooly shit dad. That's a lot of scars for a realtor!" Victor pointed out.

"Oh. These are from when I was in the marines." I lied. Well, some of them are but most of them are from hits and training back when I first started. "No way! You were in the marines?! Oliver and I's favorite show is about a guy who's in the marines and then he becomes a hitman but also really likes acting. It's called Barry. It's really good." Oliver nodded in agreement and I laughed.

"Sounds entertaining..."

"I like your scars." Y/n whispered. I smiled and stared at the tv.

.  .  .

"I never noticed how many scars you really had Ty..." Y/n whispered as she traced her fingers over them. "And I never noticed how good you looked tied to the headboard till last week."

"Tyler." She laughed as I hugged her. "I love you so much." I whispered. "I love you more." She replied.

"Not possible."

"Yeah huh."

"Nu-uh. I love you infinitely more."

"Pshh yeah right."

I smiled and hugged Y/n tightly. "Okay! Okay Ty! Too much love!" We both laughed and I loosened my grip. "Most people I put in a death grip like that aren't so fortunate to get out." I whispered playfully knowing damn well I've choked out maybe 100 of my targets. "Oh well I guess I should thank you for letting me live another day, hm?"

"I guess you should..."

. . .

"What's this one from?"

"A knife."

"This one!"

"That's an exit wound from a bullet. The entry is here."

"Wow... This one!"

"That's from a fishing accident I went on with my dad before he died. He sucked at fishing but all the other kids dads took them so he took me. The only thing we caught was 4 hours at the hospital waiting for them to pull a hook out of a major artery."

"Woah... This one!"

"That's another knife."

"Alright boys, leave dad alone." Y/n muttered. "Mooooooom!"

"He's told you about like 40 scars. 20 of which are all from knives." She said. "That is true." I responded. "I agree with your mom it's not that interesting anyways! Most of them are just from close combat fights so they were pulled out shitty dull switchblades! Or I did something stupid!"

"That's... So... Cool! Tell us about that!" Victor shouted ecstatically.

Tell us about you being stupid!

"Ooh yeah! Oli's right, tell us about you being stupid!"

I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck. "Tomorrow."

"Awe, please dad!"

Yeah, please dad!

I stared at the twins and looked back at Y/n who was silently telling me not to continue. "This one's from a firework."


"I'm done! I'm sorry!"

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now