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[ Y/n ]

Boris and I are beyond sex deprived. The problem is that the boys are old enough to know what's going on and Boris isn't willing to be any quieter.

But today, we were lucky.

The boys were at a friends house so it was just us. Boris laid in our bed while I sat on him. "Mmmm... I missed you." I whispered as I started grinding on him. Boris groaned and gripped my ass. I leaned down, continuing moving my hips, and kissed him. "I wait so long for you." He sighed. I nodded and brushed some loose curls out of his face. Boris's finger teased my entrance and I bit my lip.

"Shit..." He finally put his finger in and was slowly pumping it in and it. "A-ah... Yeah..." I whined as Boris's finger teased my favorite spot. He smiled and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I continued kissing him as his finger started going faster. One finger has never worked for me... Unless it's Boris's finger. I moaned and he continued his fast pace.

"Stop." I said suddenly. Boris pulled his finger out and stared at me. I stared back at him before sitting up. I got off him and Boris also sat up. "What I did wrong detka?!"

"What? Nothing. I'm getting a condom."

Boris sighed and laid back down in our bed. I walked back over to him and he lifted his hips for me. I pulled his boxers down and hummed as his erection sprang out. I was aware of how intensely Boris stared at me as I rolled the condom onto his cock. I sat back over his lap and took a deep breath. "Okay." I whispered.

Boris nodded and put his dick into me. I gasped and sat up. Boris brought his legs up and I leaned against them. "Riding... Always go good for us." Boris moaned.

I nodded in agreement and started moving my hips. "Uh- A-ah! Boris." I moaned loudly. "Yeah. Yeah. Fuck yes." Boris moaned as he started pounding me. "Yes! Yes Boris! Yes!" I cried out. My nails scratched his chest and my legs trembled at his sides.

His large hands held onto my hips, helping me roll them faster or slower depending on what felt better. Boris started bucking his hips and I gave up on rolling mine. I laid forward on his chest and Boris kissed the top of my head. He hugged me tightly as he aggressively thrusted into me. "Oh! Shit don't stop Boris. Don't stop!"

He continued his quick pace and moaned in my ear. Some things he said in Russian, somethings he said in Swedish, somethings weren't even real words. "Fuck yes Boris..." I whined as he slowed down but started going deeper.

He held my waist and I sat back up. I starting rolling my hips back and forth as I watched Boris below me. He had his eyes closed and his mouth open as he moaned, meaning he was really enjoying this. "Oh fuck. Does it feel good?" I asked. "Yes! So fucking good." He whined. I nodded and started going faster. Aside from moaning actual words, Boris and I couldn't stop whimpering and whining like when we were younger.

With every thrust he would pant out a few breaths and maybe a grunt if I really hit the spot. I couldn't stop moaning out those little noises middle school boys love. "Uh! Uh! Ah! Mmm! Ah!" The same shit over and over and Boris loved it. He always tells me I'm not loud enough but today, I'm nothing but loud.

I turned around and put my hands between his legs. Boris put a hand on my ass and continued pushing me so I'd pleasure him just the way he liked. I wanted to faceplant into our covers but I couldn't. "Boris!" I whined. "Yeah. Yeah. Yes, oh fuck yes! Глупые мальчики заставляют меня упустить что-то настолько хорошее." Boris moaned louder as I started going further.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now