Jerk Circle

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[ Narrator ]

Richie Tozier...

The first time he'd encountered Y/n she was getting the mail. He had almost crashed his bike into Eddie's which he got his ass chewed for later. She was just so beautiful. Richie waved and she gave him a small grin and a wave back. He gulped and turned his attention back ahead and prayed his hard would go way fast.

She was just perfect. He gulped and again, almost hit Eddie. He truly had never seen anyone as beautiful as her. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING FUCKFACE!" Eddie shouted. Instead of a snide comment Richie muttered a sorry. All of the losers we were shocked and then worried about Richie. He couldn't get the sight of her thighs out of his head.

Richie was truly a sucker for thighs. And yeah, she had a really nice ass and a great rack but the best part was her face. In the few seconds he got to see it he's already memorized it.

. . .

Later they went to the ice cream shop, where they encountered something that made Richie feel sick to his stomach. His future girlfriend was Victor Criss's present time girlfriend. He couldn't believe it. He sat down and watched the two. His friends talked amounts themselves, none of them had noticed Richie yet.

Richie noticed how Victor kept his hands to himself and didn't try to kiss her. There was a sudden spark in him that maybe they're something else. "Bowers." Stan muttered. They all held menu's up to cover their faces and a moment later Victor left. Richie immediately stood up and walked over to her table.

He sat down in front of her, taking her by surprise. "Oh hey, you're that cute boy from earlier!"

That cute boy.

Cute boy.


Richie started to grin and nodded. "Yeah, I was really worried you were taken. When I saw Victor sitting here because you're like the most beautiful person I've ever seen ever." She laughed and he swore his heart stopped beating for a moment. "What's your name?" She asked. "Richie Tozier."

"Well Richie Tozier... I can assure you I'm not dating any of Bowers's friends. They've all taken a liking to me and I don't want to lose that sort of protection. But I do like you. You wanna ditch this place?" He nodded and they stood up. Y/n left some money on the table and they got up.

. . .

Richie's tongue slid into her mouth, his hands gripped at her thighs. They've been secretly meeting for two months, each meeting becoming more and more sexual.

She had been sunbathing while he swam in the quarry but of course they wanted a little bit of touchy touchy time. "TOZIER?! YOU'RE THE ONE BANGING MY GIRL?" Richie and Y/n quickly stood up. "Well technically she isn't your girl and also I'm not banging her. Well not yet. Just kidding! Not banging her!"

Henry, Victor, Belch, and Patrick all stared at the petite girl in her bikini. The same thought was going through all of the Bowers's gangs mind.

How did Tozier get to see her half naked first?

"Well Y/n needs to get home. Let's go!" Richie grabbed her clothes and her hand. "Not so fuckin fast fairy." Henry said. Richie froze and Y/n turned around. "Excuse me?" Henry's face heat up and he held his breath. "What did you call him?" She asked Henry. "F-f-fairy." Henry tripped over his words.

"Really, I don't think a fairy would leave marks like this on a girl. Fairies like the same sex and I'm obviously a girl... Am I not?" She showed off her hickeys and crossed her arms.

The whole gang nodded and she nodded back.

"Next time you call him any slur I'll stop hanging out with the four of you. Now, why don't you go start a jerk circle to get rid of your boners."

Y/n retook Richie's hand and the two of them walked away.

Once they were out of sight Richie started to laugh, giving the girl her clothes. "That was amazing Doll. You are so perfect." Y/n smiled and shrugged. "What can I say? I guess I am perfect."

"That jerk circle comment was pretty funny." Richie added. "I know, it just came to me. It was so perfect."

Richie kissed her cheek and she beamed. "You're the coolest, Doll."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now