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[ Y/n ]

I had been feeling weird all day but just couldn't figure out why. Now, of course as soon as B left to go hunt, I know why.

My heat is starting again.

I stayed hidden under the covers with my face buried in Bobert's pillow as I tried to relieve myself. My small moans crept from my lips one after the other as my small fingers touched the wetness in my underwear. I was scared to put one in. Bobert might get mad. I hope today is a quick hunt because if not I might just die.

. . .

[ Bobert ]

I arrived home later than expected, the sun had gone down. We all dropped our findings on the table and I looked around for Y/n. I couldn't find her so I started towards are room. Then it hit me. The scent was so strong I'm shocked I missed it when I walked in. I ran upstairs and stopped at the door. Relax... Just go in and help her...

Don't get too excited.

I opened the door and stepped inside. I could see Y/n in bed and locked the door. "Bunny?" I touched her head and pulled the covers off. Y/n looked at me and I let out a breathy chuckle. "Why're you crying doll?" She ignored my comment and undid my jeans. I watched as her lips met my tip. "Shit." I muttered as I got harder.

Y/n quickly began deep throating me. I gasped and moaned as my cock would hit the back of her throat. I noticed her small fingers in her underwear and smiled. "Get off." I pushed her and she laid back on the bed. "Turn around." Y/n listened and turned around. I didn't hesitate to grab her hair in a ponytail. Y/n whined and I slid my dick into her.

[ Y/n ]

At this point my heat was unbearable. Every inch of me craved his knot and I was going to rip myself apart if I didn't get it. The way it felt when his erection finally slid into me... God, I almost came just at that.

But I didn't.

Bobert started harshly thrusting into me. He would yank at my hair every time he thrusted and my head would jerk back. It was so kinky. Bobert let go of my hair and grabbed my hips. I fell onto the mattress as he started forcing me back and forth while continuing to thrust. "Oh! Fuck me!" I cried, not giving any sort of shit about the others in the house.

Bobert's hands were grabbing me so hard it hurt. His nails dug into my skin and I knew I'd have a bruise. I was loving it.

He continued his extremely fast pace for another moment before collapsing on top of me. We both panted and his cum filled me up. I was also mid-orgasm so we both just laid there. He kissed my head and then sat back up. "Be my good girl and stand up, will you?" I stood up at the foot of the bed and Bobert stared at me.

He was just staring at me, still trying to catch his breath. He looked fucking perfect. I got back onto the bed and knelt over his lap. Bobert looked down at his boner then back up at me. I sat down and hummed. Bobert sat up and I started to move myself up and down. "Oh fuck babe..." He whispered. I whined and started to go faster.

Bobert started moving his hips but I grabbed them to make him stop. I was really getting into this and if he accidentally pulled his dick out I'd throw myself out of the window. "Oh... Oh..! OH!" I cried as I hit the perfect spot. Bobert placed his large hand on my thigh and gave it a nice harsh grip. With the other hand, he smacked my ass. "I love you!" I screamed as I came again.

I stopped moving and pulled off of Bobert. He came all over my stomach and thighs with a few short moans and then we were finished.

Finally, I was relieved of my heat. I laid down next to him and again, we both tried to catch our breath.

"That was amazing." Bobert finally said.

I smiled and rolled over to cuddle him. We were both sweaty and gross so we'd probably go shower but for now this was nice.


I hummed and nuzzled my nose against him. "I'm laying in a really wet spot. Can I go put this in the washing machine really quick?"

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now