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[ Narrator ]

Y/n happily opened the door to reveal the smiling face she might see too much. "Ty!" She jumped into his arms and the couple hugged each other. "Where's my pizza?" Y/n whispered. "Here. I just wanted to have free arms so I could hug you without dropping your pizza... Again."

Y/n laughed and pulled away. She gave him a quick kiss and he handed her the pizza. Y/n handed him $20 and they stared at each other. "Fuck Ty you look so fine in that uniform." She sighed. Tyler laughed and rolled his eyes. "Okay. I have to go but I'll be over tonight for cuddles. Don't fall asleep without me." He demanded.

Y/n nodded and they shared another quick kiss before Tyler was off back to work and Y/n went inside to eat the pizza.

. . .

"Your pizza always tastes the best." Y/n sighed. Tyler hummed and kissed her neck.

"You're really really cute Y/n." He beamed. "You're cuter."

"No you're cuter."

They stared at each other for a moment before leaning in to make out. Tyler couldn't contain his smile as he hugged her waist closer to him. It was a short time for a make out session but neither of them could hold their breath and they were exhausted.

"Okay I'm going to sleep." Y/n sighed. "Me too." Tyler had a headache and his finger was pointed at the lack fo sleep he'd gotten the night before.

Y/n put her head on his chest and Tyler wrapped his arms around her. He could hardly keep his eyes open. No thoughts passed through his mind except how much he loved Y/n's touch.

"Goodnight handsome." Y/n mumbled.

"Goodnight beautiful." He replied.

. . .

Y/n and Tyler stood in the bathroom brushing their teeth together. They were both still so tired despite having gotten 8 hours of sleep. "Tyler can you-" they both spat their toothpaste out and Y/n looked back at Tyler. "Can you give me one of your hoodies to wear. I'll give you your old one back."

"Awe, why?" He asked, genuinely confused. Y/n loves that hoodie.

"No I'm getting it back. It just... Doesn't smell like you anymore."

Tyler smiled and nodded. "Of course. Anything for you princess." Y/n nodded and grabbed Tyler's hand. They were going to have a picnic date and neither of them could wait another second.

. . .

When Y/n and Tyler arrived at the area, they were astounded by the beauty. "Wow," Was all either of them managed to get out.

Y/n shook away the awe and grabbed Tyler's hand, pulling him into the field. They couldn't stop smiling as they collapsed onto the blanket. "It's way prettier with you here then when I was setting everything up." Tyler admitted. Y/n bit her lip and laid her head on his chest.

Like last night, Tyler wrapped his arms back around her. "Thanks for this Ty but before we eat just... Just lay here with me. Ok?" He nodded and Y/n gave a nod back. "Okay, I love you." Tyler said.

"Thanks Ty-"

"But I have shit in there that can go bad in the heat so cuddle quickly."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now