Can't remember to forget you.

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cant remember to forget you - Shakira (banger.)

[ Y/n ]

I sat at my computer, scrolling through Finn's Instagram. Why hasn't he taken our posts down? I felt my heart ache as I looked at the picture of us kissing in the gazebo in the park. I shook my head and shut my laptop. I grabbed my phone and opened out texts.

Wanna come over?
Read 1:38 am

Shit! Shit! Shit! Now he knows I was looking through our texts!

Oh... It's one of those nights huh?
Read 1:38 am

I looked back over at the wall of our photos. How could he break up with me? We were so perfect. And then to not even take our photos down on his Instagram or to leave up his love Tweets... What is he doing? He says he's moved on but he does this. I can't figure him out.

Just get your ass over here
Read 1:39 am

I got up and quickly rushed out of my apartment. I grabbed my keys and his hoodie. I wouldn't give this one back. I ran down to my car, clutching my phone. I shouldn't go see him... It'll hurt me more. Despite my consciousness telling me to not go see him, I drove to his apartment. I had a nice apartment. Finn had a penthouse.

I walked into the lobby, being greeted by the doorman. I said a quick 'hi' and ran to the elevator. I went to the top floor and then stood in front of the door for a second. My hand raised, prepared to knock at the door. God this is a horrible idea. I've never acted so stupid. I knocked on the door and turned around. I could still run back to the elevator.

"Y/n?" I turned and faced Finn. His freckles stood out, his soft brown eyes blinked innocently at me, his lips slightly parted. I grabbed his cheeks and pressed my lips against his. He hugged my waist, pulling me into his apartment. I shut the door and Finn put his hands on my face and in my hair. He says I have really soft skin and that makes him happy.

Finn pulled away and stared at me. "You look... Thin. Do you want to eat?"

"I missed your honesty."

Finn bit his lip. "Well... I also know you were stalking me."

"I- It... I'm sorry. I wasn't like taking pictures or anything I just-"

"I know. I did it too... For the first few days I just wanted to like... See you and see if you were like... Trying to force yourself to move on. I was actually kinda flattered." I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. I opened his fridge and pulled out a pizza box. "Cold pizza at 2 am?" He asked. "A tradition." I took a slice and started eating it. When Finn and I were kids we would have sleepovers. We like to sneak downstairs to eat pizza.

As we became tweens we liked to cuddle and watch horror movies.  Then as younger teens we liked to make out all night. As older teens we would Netflix and chill and then sneak downstairs and eat cold pizza.

"I've missed you." He whispered. "Why'd you dump me?"

"I... Needed raw emotions... For... An audition."

I stared at him for a moment. "Why the fuck didn't you say that?" I whispered. "I... Don't know."

"Can we just forget it and tomorrow you're helping me move back in." Finn nodded and sat down with me. He started eating pizza and I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Fuck you." I whispered. "I know..." He answered. A smile peeked onto my face as we sat in silence. I'm so glad I didn't move on.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now