Throughout the years

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[ Narrator ]


"I... Am... B-Boris."


Boris smiled and pointed at the girl. She was wearing a cute dress and all he's wanted to do was talk to her. Boris on the other hand had on a pair of jeans and the ugliest sweater known to man. "What? The girl? Do you want to talk to her?" Boris nodded and the teacher gave a warm grin. "Use your words."

"Yes... Please." He struggled to get out. The woman pitied him so she got up and brought Y/n over to the table. "Hi. I. am... Boris!" The two kids beamed at each other and Y/n looked at his drawings. "I'm Y/n."

"Y/n..." he repeated.

First grade
"Y/n! Y/n! We are in this same teacher!" Boris held up the class sheet were he had scribbled out everyone's name except his and Y/n's. "Yay!" The two hugged and Y/n's mom smiled.

Boris was the only person Y/n hung out with and her mother could see why... He was a sweet boy. He also lacked the social skills to make other friends. They were literally inseparable.

"Boris follow me. My mom and I made cookies." She led him to the kitchen where Y/n's dad helped them both into chairs. Y/n grabbed two cookies and handed one to Boris. He bit into it and looked over at Y/n. "Good." He mumbled as if too busy focusing on the taste to really form a proper opinion about the cookie.

Second grade
"This school lunch is no good." Boris pouted as he poked at the food on the tray. "Eat your lunch Boris." One of the teachers advised. He stuck his tongue out at her when she turned her back and Y/n giggled. "We'll split our lunches. My mom packed two cookies for us."

The two kids got to work on splitting their lunches and Boris looked over at Y/n. Recently he's been feeling different towards her... Like he wants to give her a kiss. Or he wanted her to give him a kiss. He didn't know. It was stupid. The word crush had been used by other students around him but when he tossed the words I, have, a, crush, on, Y/n together... It just seemed so weird.

Wrong even.

Third grade
Y/n and Boris had gotten into the school play. They were putting on The Lion King and while Y/n was casted as Sarapina, Nala's mom. She cried because she wanted Nala but Boris was happy she didn't get it. Nala has to kiss the boy who gets Simba and Boris didn't get Simba. He got a minor part with one line.


The audience started to giggle as they had all expected him to scream the line but he had simply said the word rawr. Boris walked back stage and Y/n ran to hug him. "Good job!"

"Really?" He asked, embarrassed the crowd had laughed at him. "Yeah! You did so good!"

Fourth grade
Now people weren't just using the word crush... They were using boyfriend and girlfriend. Boris noticed how Y/n had gotten a note and grabbed it from her desk.

I like you. Will you be my gf?

Boris scoffed and tore it up, throwing it in the garbage. No one is allowed to have Y/n. She's going to be his girlfriend.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now