If only she could remember

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[ Narrator ]

Enya and Drew hardly expected Finn and Y/n to hook up in their guest bedroom when they threw a party. They were actually the last people they expected to. Yet when Nick started asking around for Finn and no one knew where he was, Nick panicked. He called his parents in a frantic manner, yanking at his hair like his little brother did.

Meanwhile, Finn and Y/n admired each other's naked bodies. Both of them drunk and high out of their fucking minds. Finn reached forward and felt how wet she was. His cheeks heated up when he realized she was really wet. Really really wet. Y/n looked down and noticed his boner, then looked back up at him. "You wanna fuck?" She asked.

"I mean, we've been dating for a long time." He answered. "You think it'll hurt?" She asked as she laid down. Finn pinned her down and his whole body seemed to tingle as his tip pressed against her entrance. "Um... No I think you'll be fine." He slurred. She nodded and kissed his neck. Finn groaned and slowly pushed his length into her.

Nick sat in Enya's room with Enya and Drew, on the phone with his parents. "Well he didn't leave the party so he's still here. Y/n didn't leave either so they're probably..." Enya cleared her throat. "Together." The adults all looked up at each other and almost on cue a loud moan interrupted their silence. Though they couldn't prove it, it sounded an awful lot like Y/n.

Mr. and Mrs. Wolfhard raced to the house, worried about their idiotic teenage son. They knew how much anxiety bad press gave him and if it got out he was drunk at a party while he was 18, he'd be getting a lot of bad press. Mary tried not to shed many tears as Enya and Drew assured her for the hundredth time through the phone they checked all of the cameras they had installed and hadn't seen Finn or Y/n leave.

Eric wasn't worried. Last week he caught Finn masturbating to a photo of his "innocent" girlfriend so he was pretty sure they were having sex somewhere in the house. While the parent part of him told him to worry about Finn regretting doing so, the male part of him knew he likely wouldn't and was sort of proud of his son. I mean, he would much rather Finn loose his virginity to Y/n, whom the whole family loved, rather than some random. Even if he got her pregnant, no one in the family would even be that disappointed in Finn.

Finn groaned into his girlfriend's shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut as she clenched around his erection. "This feels exactly how I imagine a hot pocket would feel." He muttered. "Really?" She asked. Finn nodded and sat up. "Yeah, what's my dick feel like to you?"

Y/n clutched the bedsheets and sighed. "Like... Like how you'd imagine a big dick to feel." She answered. Finn nodded and leaned back forward. Y/n went back to scratching his back, moaning into his ear. "I wanna do a new position." Finn groaned. "What?" She asked. "I don't know. Like... You should ride me."

Y/n nodded and they shifted into the new position.

Mary and Eric got out of the car to be greeted by Enya, Drew, and Nick, who were all apologizing every second they could. Mrs. Wolfhard wasn't mad t anyone at all. She was just worried about Finn. He was an adult but hardly acted like one. She didn't expect him to though, he was only 18. They walked inside and went upstairs.

"So we checked all of downstairs and all of upstairs except for that room." She pointed at the end of the hall with a key in her hand. Mrs. Wolfhard took the key and handed it to Eric. "What? Why me?" He asked. "Finn would be so grossed out if I walked in." Mary argued. "But Y/n!" Eric argued. "Just don't look at her!" Mary pushed Eric towards the door and he rolled his eyes.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now