Hickey Boy

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Aged up to 20

[ Y/n ]

Finn pressed me up against some shelves, causing stuff to fall off around us. We laughed and he tugged my pants down. "Finn the show starts in like ten minutes." I muttered into his mouth. "I can't perform with a hard on now can I?" He muttered. I smiled and unbuttoned his jeans. "Oh so now you want it." He joked. I nodded and crouched down.

"Hey, hey, hey. Not me. Not me." He stood me up and he knelt down. He quickly attached his lips to my heat, making me moan really loud. "Fuck." I laughed, covering my mouth. He laughed too and I gasped at the vibration. "God Finn..." I used one hand to grab at his hair while the other gripped the shelf.

Finn stood up and kissed me. He grabbed one of my legs and put it on his hip. "You're so sexy..." He whispered. "Shut up... You can't even see me." Finn rubbed his nose against me and puffed out a sigh. "You ready?" "No, I'm soaking wet and I want you to make me wait." Finn dropped my leg and bent down to pull his pants up.

I pulled him up and pressed his back against the door. I turned around and bent over. Somehow, in the process, his dick slid right into me. I covered my mouth and laid my head on the shelf. He grabbed my hair in a ponytail and started jamming his dick into me. I closed my eyes and listened to Finn's groans. "Before we leave give me a sick ass hickey on my neck." He muttered.


"Don't talk back."

I nodded and he pushed my shirt up, leaning down to kiss my back. "You like this, baby?" He growled in my ear. "Yes Finn. God I wish we were at home so you could tie me up and point a fucking gun at me."

"I'm sure you do. If we were at home though... I think I would've made you lie on the dinner table with your new lingerie and I'd eat the most expensive foods we can find off of your belly and then I'd move down and-" He slammed in especially hard and I reached back and touched his stomach. "-I'd eat you out until you came all over my face."

"What else?" I whined as Finn reached down to pleasure my clit. "I'd fucking make you... Shit... I'd make you sit in front of me and use a vibrator that has a remote. I'd have the remote and god Y/n... I'd tease you until you were in tears for my cock. I'd fucking let you watch me masturbate and then I'd cum once or twice so you could see my boners go away before your pathetic little pussy could feel me filling you up. Then finally, I'd fuck you until sunrise. I'd do every single position with you. I'd do every single thing to you. All of it until you were satisfied, which you never are you ungrateful brat."

I nodded and choked out a small cry as he hit a sensitive spot. "Tell me what you are Y/n. I want to hear you say it."

"I'm an ungreatful brat for you da- Finn."

"I thought you didn't do daddy, baby."

I covered my mouth and brought my hand away from Finn to hold onto the shelf. We were both finished talking and just wanted to fuck for a little. He licked up my spine, making me shiver. When he got to my neck he started leaving hickeys. "God... I'm gonna fucking cum." He sighed. "That fast?" I teased. He hit my soft spot and my legs shook as I came.

Finn turned me around and I knelt down with my mouth open. He kept his grip on my hair and jerked himself off for a second before his orgasm hit. He gripped my hair tighter and I sat still as he shot his load all over my face. He panted for a second before picking his phone up turning the flashlight on. He searched around the room for a second before reaching up to grab something.

He handed me some paper towels and I cleaned myself up. "You... You swallowed what got in your mouth right?" He asked, back to his awkward 20 year old self. "Well I couldn't have spat it without you knowing so..." We cleaned ourselves off and I got myself dressed. Before he went to unlock the door I grabbed the collar of his shirt, stopping him from leaving.

He turned around and I leaned down. I sucked harshly on his neck. He moaned and gripped my waist. "Y-Y/n..." He whined. I pulled away and wiped my spit away.

"There. Now I think it's your time to shine hickey boy. I had a lot of fun with you." I kissed his cheek and unlocked the door, leaving the storage closet. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out.

If you thought that was fun wait. till. we. get. home.

I smiled and turned around. Finn flipped me off and shut the closet door to quickly get rid of his new boner.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now