𝘔𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘐𝘐

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[ Y/n ]

Finn hummed and lightly ran his fingers over my arm. I cuddled close to him, listening to the rain pattering against the window.

"Finn..." I whispered. "Yes, darling?" He replied. "What if I got a job to help pay rent?" Finn pulled away and looked at me.

"Bubba you don't have to. I've got it all covered. It's not that expensive anyways..." I nodded and he pulled me back against his chest.

"What if I wanted to move out of the shitty motel and into a real apartment?"

"What? Why would we leave here? You don't like the cockroaches cuddling with us at night?" His fingers tickled my ribcage and I laughed, pushing him away.

"Stop it! I don't know... I was just thinking and don't you ever get mad at me?" Finn nodded. "You know I get mad at you. Never because you don't work."

I sighed and went to argue but Finn rolled on top of me. He pinned me beneath him and placed his hands on my cheeks.

"Babydoll you know why you can't work... You're special. Your mind works differently... I know you want to help but it's just not ideal right now... Now, let's go to sleep." He kissed my nose and then my forehead.

He rolled off me and turned his lamp off then went back to cuddling me. I cuddled him back, trying not to spend too much time thinking about how easy he makes it to kill him.


The next morning, I woke up to Finn's alarm. He hit it off and groaned. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Finn grabbed my waist and laid his head on my shoulder.

Finn kissed my neck then down to my shoulder. I stretched and pushed him off of me. Finn turned on his lamp and I glared at him.

He ignored me and stood up. Finn went to grab his clothes and I walked over to the kitchen to make breakfast. I opened the freezer and some Toaster Strudel.

Our freezer was pretty much stacked with that shit. We both really like it.

I closed the freezer door and walked over to the toaster. I dropped two of the strudels into the toaster and pushed the knob down.

There weren't any noises in the room except for the hum of the toaster and Finn changing. I stared at the toaster as the inside lit up.

My hand moved on its own, reaching up and sticking my fingers into the toaster. I touched the hot metal and then yanked my hand out.

The toaster made a clattering noise as I bumped it pulling my hand out. "What happened?" Finn asked. "Nothing," I answered.

He walked over and leaned on the counter. I stared at him and winced at the burning feeling in my fingers. "Come on, what happened baby. I won't be mad." I blinked at him and the toaster popped up.

I went to grab it with the hand I'd burned but Finn grabbed it. He stared at my blistering fingers, a look of disgust on his face. He seemed to be trying to hide it but wasn't doing a good job.

"Lovely, did you hurt yourself?" I pulled my hand away and grabbed the food. I pulled a plate out and placed them onto it. Finn placed a hand on the back of my head, rubbing it lightly. I grabbed the other two and put them in the toaster.

"Don't ignore me." He said sternly, lightly gripping my hair. I turned and looked at him. "Did you do that to yourself on purpose?" He asked.

I shrugged and nodded. Finn grabbed my hand and looked at it again. "You really burned yourself... Do I need to take the toaster to work with me?" I nodded and Finn gave a nod back, reaching up to brush hair out of my face.

My food finished and Finn took it out for me. I grabbed a plate for him, setting it on the counter. I went back to the freezer and grabbed four of the small icing packets, careful not to rip any of them open on the side.

Finn brought our plates to the table and I followed after him. We sat down and I tore off two of the icing packets for myself. Finn took the rest and we quietly worked on doing a good job of putting the icing on.

I finished and waited for Finn. We switched plates and studied each other's icing job. "This is bullshit! You didn't even try!" I laughed. "Wow, yours looks like it does in the commercials." Finn commented. I grinned and took a bite of the food.

"So I work a double shift today. Back to back. You know who to call if you need me right? Where do I work?" He asked.

I ignored him and ate my food. "Hey, this is important. Last time to had a problem you didn't know what to do." He commented.

"It's on the fridge now." I mumbled. "Okay but I want you to tell me. Who do you call?" He asked.

"Brian." I answered angrily. I hate it when he does this. Last time was different. "Good, where do I work?" He asked.

"I want to fucking slam a door on your head over and over again until you die." I blurted out, slamming my fist down on the table.

"Where do I work?" Finn repeated calmly. "I don't remember!" I answered honestly, becoming angrier and angrier. "That's okay bubba." Finn reached out and grabbed my hand.

I grabbed a knife from the side of the table and held it above his hand. My hand shook violently as I held it up. Finn caressed the top of my hand, calming me down.

"Take a breath Y/n." Finn whispered. I gasped and slammed the knife down on the table. He took his hand off mine and went back to eating. It hit me, rolling off my tongue the second I got it.

"Coffee House!" Finn smiled and nodded. "See! That wasn't too hard. You're so smart, I'm envious." I actually am really smart. Finn knows that.

We finished our breakfast and Finn stood up. He went into the bathroom and I went back over to the toaster.

I stared at it, my hands creeping up towards the top. Finn opened the bathroom door and I looked over at him. He had toothpaste on the side of his mouth.

I pulled my hands away and went over to the bed. I sat down and listened to Finn's shoes on the tile floor.

He unplugged the toaster and set it on the table. Finn walked over to me and sat down on the bed next to me.

He played with my head, tugging lightly on my earlobe once. "Are you gonna swim today? Maybe you'll take a nap?" I nodded and leaned onto him. "Yeah, lucky... I'll miss you all day, will you miss me?"

I nodded again and looked up at him. "I'll call you. Don't ignore me today. I'll be home at midnight so I'll order you a pizza and you can have that. How's that sound?" I nodded and grabbed his hand.

"Good? Awesome. I have to go now but I love you so so so much!" Finn kissed my face, trailing to my lips.

He placed a light kiss onto my lips and stood up. "I love you too, Finn." He grinned and grabbed the toaster, waving as he left the room.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now