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[ Y/n ]
( Richie's outfit is at the bottom )
— Smut —

I smiled at Richie as I passed him in the hall. He was wearing an oversized black t-shirt over a white long sleeve. He wore black pants, a black belt, and black vans. To top it all off he had a small lock necklace and a chain on his pants.

He gave me a wink, making my cheeks flush. I continued to my class, ignoring my friends and dreaming about seeing him this afternoon.


After class, I walked down the back stairwell. It's not used very frequently for some reason which means it's very peaceful.

I reached the bottom and a hand grabbed my arm. I was pulled under the stairs, gasping. I looked up at the figure, it was Richie.

"Rich..." I whispered, grinning. "I couldn't handle one more second without telling you how fucking cute you look doll." I smiled and pulled him down.

Richie kissed me, his tongue sliding between my lips. Richie has a smokey taste to him. I kinda like it... A lot...

He pulled away and moved down to my neck. I sighed and grabbed at his hair. The door opened and my head snapped in that direction. I tried to push Richie off but in response he bit down on my soft spot.

I bit my lip and leaned my head forward, resting it in his hair. The footsteps faded away and eventually, the door upstairs was opened and slammed shut.

Richie pulled away and I glared at him. He looked adorable, he had blush running under his freckles and on his cheeks from taking so few breaths.

"Are you embarrassed by my princess?" He asked. "No way, we're just not supposed to be making out in the stairwell." The bell rung and my eyes widened.

Richie smiled and kissed my forehead. "Let's go home." He mumbled. "We have three more classes!" I replied in disbelief.

Richie groaned and grabbed my hands. "Baby, listen to me. School isn't important. My time with you, cuddling and loving you, is. I didn't get my cuddles this weekend so I want them now."

I sighed and bit my lip. My hands went up and messed with the lock necklace he had on. "Please..." Richie begged. I sighed in defeat and nodded.

Richie cheered and kissed me. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the school.


We got to Richie's house and he grabbed my hand, pulling me inside. I smiled and giggled as he pulled me upstairs to his room.

We got inside and I inhaled the familiar scent of his room. Richie led me over to his bed, laying me down. He walked over to his radio and started playing Nirvana at top volume. He came back over and I smiled as he leaned over me.

"Talk dirty to me baby..." he whispered as he peppered kisses onto my body. I laughed awkwardly and looked around.

"Your glasses have so many fingerprints in them I'm surprised you can still see." He pulled away and stared at me.

"What the fuck was that?" He laughed. I started to laugh too, leaning my head to the side. Richie nuzzled his nose into my neck, not kissing me but just resting himself there.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now