9 years apart

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[ Y/n ]

"Hi, I'm Tyler. I'm going to be your realtor. Do you mind if I take a quick look around your house?"

I shook my head and opened my door wider for him. "Thanks." Right of the bat, there are two things. One, he's so fucking hot. Two, there's not a ring on his finger. "So, are they any things I should know right off the bat?"

"I'm free Thursday nights." I said boldly. He sighed and leaned against the wall. "I meant about the house. And by the way, I'm 34." I shrugged. "A little age difference never hurt anyone." I muttered. "Alright let's look at the house shall we?"

5 months later

"Alright, they just sent the check through..."

"So I suppose this is the last time we'll see each other." I mumbled. He sighed and handed me a check. "Would you maybe like to come over and have some champagne to celebrate..? Since you aren't my client anymore..."

"I'd love that."

"So I'll text you my address. How about you come over at nine?" I nodded and bit my lip. "I'll see you then." He nodded and started to walk away. Halfway through walking away he stopped and turned back around. "Do you- Never mind." I laughed as he turned back away and rushed to his car. I walked back inside my new apartment and got into the elevator.

I bit my lip and jumped around for a minute. The elevator shook and I stopped. Finally this guy asked me out. I've been waiting forever for him.

. . .

I knocked on his door and he opened it. "Hey." He breathed out. "You look really good." I smiled and did a little curtesy. "Thank you sir."

Tyler let me in and I gawked at how pretty his house was. "Oh my god this place is so nice!" I looked around and my eyes landed back on him. "I let the interior designer trainees come work on my house. It's big enough to make them work but it doesn't overwhelm them."

He looked around and then shut the door. He quickly walked past me, grabbing my hand. He brought me outside where there was a cute table set up. "Wow... Did the interior designers do this too?" I joked. He shook his head and pulled out a chair for me. "I used to work at a pizza parlor run by this really nice Italian family. They always had me set up the tables at the beginning of the day."

I sat down and he sat down in front of me. "You nervous?" I asked. "You made me develop feelings for you and I've been single for so long I honestly don't know what to do and plus I don't really know if we have anything in common because I'm 9 years older than you and we never really spent like a long period of time together so like what if I'm actually really annoying to you or you realize you don't want an old guy as your boyfriend?"

I giggled and covered my mouth. "Wh-what?"

"Tyler, you're so cute. First of all I'm so glad you just said you had feelings for me because I really thought this was just going to be some dumbass one time thing because I flirted with you so much. Secondly, yes, you are 9 years older than me but that doesn't mean we don't have anything in common. We've already bonded over so many thing in between meetings. You aren't going to annoy me, I swear and plus... I think I prefer old guys. Not that you're really that old."

Tyler's hand awkwardly inched towards mine. I rolled my eyes and grabbed it. He held it back and started to eat some of the spaghetti he'd prepared. I started to eat as well when a dog came running out. We both looked over and Tyler's eyes widened. "How did you get out? He was in his kennel because he's not-"

Almost as if it were planned, the dog started peeing on the floor.

"Potty trained..." Tyler sighed. He pulled his hand away and got up. "Your dog is really cute, what's his name?"

"That's Beans."


Tyler started cleaning up the mess the dog had made and started telling me how he and Beans came to meet.

"Mhm. He was in the back of an alley with a can of beans that he protected with his life. He bit me twice because I tried to grab him. He was super small and had definitely been abused so I put him and the beans in the box and brought him straight to a vet. They patched him up nicely and I took him home. The next day I took the day off and spent it buying him all the things any puppy could ever want."

I smiled and scratched behind the puppy's ears. "He likes you a lot more than he liked me or any of my friends when I introduced them."

"Well are all your friends guys?"

Tyler nodded and I sighed. "Maybe that's why. I'm smaller and not super scary."

"The only thing I'm scaring is myself. I always get startled by my shadow or reflection."

I laughed and he chuckled, finishing cleaning up the mess. He sat back down and cleared his throat. "Anyways, now that Beans has introduced himself... Would you like some champagne?"

.  .  .

Tyler and I cuddled on his couch. Despite the fact this was our first date, it felt like we'd been dating forever. "Can I kiss you?" He blurted out. I sat up in his lap and stared at him. His cheeks became red and he shied away from me. I leaned in and grabbed him, kissing his plump lips. Tyler quickly kissed back, wrapping his arms around my waist.

He pulled away and stared at me for a moment. "I really think you're something Y/n..."

I smiled and looked away from him. "Thank you..."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now