Popping pills to feel something again

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T.W. ;; uhhhh just y'all talking serious shit

[ Narrator ]

Bobert laughed as Oliver played with the sheets on his bed. Every time he would pop his head out B would boop his nose and ruffle his sons curls. He wanted to truly be happy in the moment but nothing seemed to be able to fill the hole in his stomach. Not food, nor sex, nor his own children. It felt like he was a ghost and he'd died from a blast to the stomach by a double barrel shotgun.

So he started popping pills. Whatever he could to fill the hole.

He didn't realize as he opened a random pill bottle that so many years later Oliver would remember how his daddy took oddly colored pills in front of him.

Bobert sighed and got under the covers with Oliver. "I'm tired." He mumbled. "Come here. You're my stuffed animal." Bobert grabbed Oliver and hugged him to his chest. Oliver struggled while Bobert laughed.


He thought to himself as Oliver gave up and cuddled up to his dad.

It's taking affect too quickly... The high won't last very long.

Y/n sat with some of the other right hand women from other packs. "How's Bobert?"

[ Y/n ]

He's great. He's having a mental breakdown and started popping pills like he was 16 again. He sleeps all day and cries all night. Nothing I do helps him and he's constantly pushing me away. He talks in his sleep about his stepdad and I've found two crumpled up suicide notes in our bedroom in the past week.


"Oh, he's good." I smiled.

"God, it must be a dream to be married to the alpha of the strongest pack in the state."

I laughed and tucked some loose hair behind my ear. "It's definitely an adventure."

"And Victor and Oliver?"

"Oh, they're good. They definitely prefer their dad over me."

"Oh they all start out like that." People hummed in agreement and I looked down at my lap. "Oh shit. It's 6! I have to go." I yelped as I saw the time on the watch. I got up and quickly said goodbye before running off back home.

It wasn't a long run and halfway through I just started walking. Honestly I didn't want to be home. I didn't want to deal with Bobert's bullshit today. Not his obvious mental illness, his constant pissy mood with me. If I'm home too late: he's pissed. If I'm with I'm for slightly longer than he'd like: he's pissed. If I start my heat a little early or a little late: he's pissed. If I'm too loud: he's pissed. Etcetera, etcetera.

I opened the front door and stared at everyone. Before they could acknowledge me I went upstairs to our room. Oliver was playing with his hands while Bobert was asleep next to him. "Come here buddy." I whispered, picking him up.

I carried him into his room and laid Oliver down in his crib. Victor had a fever so Io was taking care of him. I would go check on him but I'm so fucking tired.

I walked back into our room and undressed completely. I got into bed with Bobert and faced away from him. He grabbed me and pulled me to his chest. "Good lunch?" He grumbled, shifting so he was comfortable again. "They're fucking boring as shit." I whispered. Bobert hummed and kissed the back of my head.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"For what?"

He was silent for a second before leaning up. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "I'm depressed. Again." I nodded and sighed. "Me too. I think it's postpartum depression."

"Because of the twins? You and them are the only things that make me feel anything."

"And I love them too but shit just happens. You can't kill yourself Max."

"Max..." he puffed out. I only called him by his real name when I was either really pissed, really horny, or really serious.

"I wasn't going to. They were stupid letters. Writing them made me feel better so I didn't kill myself."

I nodded and he laid back down. "I hate confronting our problems..." he sighed. I chuckled and rolled over. "I love you so much baby."

"I love you too." He whispered, kissing me lightly as he shut his eyes and tried to fall back asleep.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now