𝘍𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴

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[ Y/n ]

I looked over at Richie who was sitting at the on his bed with his head in his hands. "I'm sorry Y/n... Please... Say something.." I shook my head and stood up.

"Y/n don't leave!" Richie cried, getting up as well. "Why? Why should I stay? You just broke up with me. There's nothing else to say Richie. Unless you want to tell me why. Is there someone else?" Richie shook his head.

"I swear there isn't. There's no one. I just... I might not... I might-" I shook my head and crossed my arms. "Goodbye Richie."

"I'm going to die." He whispered. I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him. "What? Rich, what's going on?" I walked over and held him.

"Y/n, I have to do something to keep you safe but... I can't do this! I'm not like Bill! I'm scared shitless!"

I hushed him and we sat down on his bed. "Y/n I don't want to leave you. I just want to hold you forever."

I nodded and closed my eyes, kissing his head. "I love you so much Richie." He hugged me back, crying harder.

A moment later there was a knock at the front door. He started to tremble in my arms. "Hey, hey, hey. Richie, it's okay. You don't have to do whatever this is. Okay? Just tell Bill you can't do it."

Richie shook his head. "Y/n I have to. I have to go. I have to go to keep you safe." I shook my head and felt tears pool in my eyes.

"No Richie! No!" I leaned forward and held him. He sobbed into my shoulder, clutching my shirt. The knocks at the door became more aggressive.

Richie leaned back and sighed. "I love you Y/n. If I come back alive... I'll fucking marry you." I nodded and wiped his tears away.

He sighed and leaned forward to kiss me. There was talking on his window and he sighed. "I have to go... I love you." I nodded and cried some more.

"Don't cry, don't cry. It's okay." He whispered standing up. "R-r-Richie! W-we have to g-g-g-go!" Richie gave me one last smile before walking out of his bedroom.

I opened his window and stopped Bill. "I swear to god Bill, I don't know what the fuck you're doing but if he comes home with as much as a fucking paper cut I will cut every male loser's dick off. Keep that in mind."

Bill anxiously nodded and I shut Richie's window.

I laid in Richie's bed for hours, going through all of our photos. I changed into one of his favorite shirts and laid in bed.

When he wasn't back by ten, two hours past the city curfew, I knew something horrible had happened. I held his pillow and started to cry again. My worst fear had come true.

Richie was gone.

He can't be. This is a joke. Richie would never leave me. He wouldn't do that to me.

The front door opened and I ran to it. Richie stood there, with his head down. I felt so overwhelmed, I just ran to him and started to cry.

He smelt like shit but I didn't care. I hugged him tighter than ever before. He hugged me back and held my head, lightly running his fingers though my hair.

"Richie I was so scared! Are you okay? What happened?" He blinked a few times and in the silence I could hear plinking.

Like water on the floor. I looked down and gasped, lightly grabbing his hand. "Rich-"

"Baby, I'll explain everything tomorrow but I need to shower and sleep." I sighed and nodded. Richie went to his room to shower while I stayed out here.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed the house phone. I dialed the number and sighed, so happy Richie was almost completely okay.

"D-Denbrough residents. B-b-Bill speaking."

"Your dick is mine B-b-billy."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now