𝘗𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺

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[ Y/n ]

Trevor and I were standing by the twins' bed, quietly counting down. "Three... Two... One... SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

Victor and Oliver stirred and fell back asleep. "That's a fucking joke." Trevor muttered. "That's a fucking joke." Victor repeated.

He laughed and sat up. "That's a fucking joke." I smiled and picked Oliver up. Trevor grabbed Victor's hand and told him he could say fuck now but not later.

Oliver stretched and leaned back to look at me. "Hi bubba, good stretch?" He nodded and kissed my cheek. I smiled and squeezed him. "You're so precious." I whispered.

Trevor put Victor in his chair, passing him a paper plate. I put Oliver down next to him and Trev passed him a plate as well.

"Are you excited about your party?"

Oliver nodded and tore small bits off of his pancake. "Super fucking excited!" Victor shouted. I smiled and took a bite of my pancake. As long as he gets all of it out before guests arrive I'll let it slide. "Trev these are so good!" He smiled and shrugged.

"Seriously, what's in them?" He leaned over and cupped his hand around my ear. I waited for his answer when he whispered, "Shawty's like a melody-"

We both started to laugh, practically falling out of our chairs.

After breakfast, we dressed them. 'Matching!' Oliver signed. "You wanna match?" They both nodded and I nodded. "Okay, let's pick your outfit out then."

We walked over to the closet and dig through their clothes. They decided on a turtle neck with stripes and jeans.

I pulled the outfit off the hangers and handed them to the boys. I helped them both get dressed though the argued they could get it.

Victor only let me help when his head got stuck in the armhole.

We walked downstairs where Trevor was finishing setting up. The theme for their party is ghostbusters.  They're obsessed with it and love hearing Trevor tell them all sorts of stories.

We finished preparing and we all sat around. "Can we open our presents?" Victor asked. "Not until your guests get here. How many people did we invite again?" I asked.

"16 kids." Trevor replied. I nodded and stared at the door. I'm my eyes averted to the clock where I realized we were ten minutes past the time the guests were supposed to start showing up.

Maybe there's bad traffic...

Trevor and I distracted the two by doing all the activities we had. When we realized no one was coming, we gave up and brought the cake out.

Oliver signed that he wanted us to wait for their friends. "Oli they aren't coming. We creep them out, remember?" Victor mumbled, poking the cake.

Oliver's tears made quiet plinking noises on the table before he ran off. I got up to go comfort him, telling Trev to stay with Victor.

[ Trevor ]

I looked up at Victor. He had his head down while he played with a fork. "Are you okay?" I asked. Almost immediately Victor started to cry, running upstairs as well.

I chased after him, pleading him to wait. "Oliver!" Victor cried. The door opened just enough for Victor to get in and then it shut again.

We heard the lock click and Y/n leaned against the door.

[ Y/n ]

"Babies, come on. It's okay! We can have a party just the four of us. Please! I would love to come to your birthday party!" I wasn't sure what to say to make this better.

"Guess mommy and I get to open all your presents then." Trevor said, grabbing my hand and walking off.

The door opened and the pattering of their feet behind us made me smile. A small hand reached out for me.

I took it and looked down at Victor. "Mommy, can you hold me?" He asked. I nodded and picked him up.

These two weigh practically nothing and I don't know how. I swear we're feeding them three meals a day with snacks in between.

Trevor and I walked into the living room where we sat on the couch. Victor and Oliver sat on the floor, sorting the presents into two piles.

Oliver went first since he was fourteen minutes older. He opened it up and saw that it was a pack of toy cars he'd been wanting for a few months.

He beamed and hugged them, signing 'Thank you' over and over again. Trevor and I smiled, cuddling close to each other.

After a long day of presents, food, and activities, the boys were ready for bed. Trevor and I tucked them in, kissing them both goodnight.

We stayed in the room with them until they were both asleep. Trevor and I walked out and quietly shut the door.

We went downstairs and started to clean the mess. I came across a drawing that one of them had made. It was of two little boys all alone, wearing party hats.

For a child's drawing, they looked excruciatingly sad. I felt a pang in my chest and my eyes fill with tears.

My boys deserve so much better.

Lmao something like this happened to me in third grade and I was so upset I decided to hate birthdays and now I genuinely fucking hate my birthday. I don't want to celebrate it but my mom says it's mandatory. Idk

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now