i love you

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[ Y/n ]

Nothing is more painful than seeing your child in pain and not being able to do anything about it.


Miles and I laid next to Victor. I nuzzled my nose against his head, pressing a light kiss onto his temple. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I smiled. "Mommy!" I hugged him back, kissing his face. "Where's my love?" Miles pouted. Victor rolled over and grabbed Miles. They laughed and I smiled, observing the two.

Victor sat up and kicked his legs. "What is it baby?" I asked. "Out." He pointed outside. "Oli." Sometimes he was too weak to form full sentences but he usually tried hard to. Maybe he's just getting used to being so weak...

I looked over at Miles who shook his head and shrugged. "Bud... That can't really happen. I'm sorry." He frowned but nodded. "Hey, I'll go get Oliver for you! He can bring some trains to play with!" Victor nodded and I kissed his forehead. I got out of his bed and walked downstairs. "Oliver?" He turned to me and stood up.

"Vic wants to play, why don't you go get some of your favorite trains?" He got up and ran out of the room. "Mrs. Fairchild, we were in the middle of a lesson. I understand-"

"His time with his brother is limited. He could spend the rest of his life in this room with new teachers every day if he pleased. You're dismissed. We'll see you tomorrow."

I walked back upstairs and Miles was standing in the hallway. He had his hand placed over his eyes but his body trembled and his shoulders jerked as he cried. I walked over and hugged him. We cried together in the hall until one of the nurses told us we should get some sleep. Honestly, over the past 4 days I've gotten a total of 4 hours of sleep.

We went to our room and laid down. Miles held me gently against his chest as we tried to fall asleep.

. . .

"Mr. Fairchild... Mrs. Fairchild..." I sat up and looked at the nurse. "Victor is in critical condition... He only has a few minutes left." Miles sat up and we quickly got out of bed. We ran to Victor's room, barging in. Oliver laid hugging Victor, who glanced over at us. I covered my mouth and approached him. "Victor..."

"Mommy..." I felt my lip quiver and shook my head. "I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry." He wiped his tears and the lump in my throat became ever more painful. "I love you..." He whispered to me. I nodded and he looked over at Miles. "I love... Y-you." Miles sat down and grabbed Victor's freehand. "I love you too Vic... I love you so much."

"I don't... I don't wanna leave." He whispered. "I'm scared." I closed my eyes and tears rolled down my cheeks. "It's okay bubba. I promise I'll protect you." Miles could barely speak, his words came out forced through his tears. He had moved his hand up to stroke Victor's cheek. "Please don't forget me." I nodded and kissed his hand. "Never precious, never."

"Was I a good son?" Victor asked weakly. Miles nodded his head harshly, muttering quiet yes's. "Yes, you are. You're an amazing son. You both are."

I nodded in agreement and Victor nodded. "You're the best family..." He whispered.

"Oli... I'm sorry... I'm not... Gonna... Make it..." Victor's words were barely audible. Coming out lower than a whisper. His voice kept cracking and he had to pause several times because he was weak or he was crying.

Oliver shook his head and Victor nuzzled his head into his brother's hair. A new air settled and I looked over at Miles. He let his head hang and his hand moved back down to hold Victors. Oliver squeezed him tighter before sitting up. He looked down at Victor and then opened his mouth. It was the most chilling thing I'd ever seen.

Silently screaming in pain. He shook his head and grabbed his brother's shoulders, jerking him back and forth to try and wake him. I grabbed Oliver and hugged him, my tears blurring my vision.

Oliver hugged me tightly while his tears soaked my shirt. He shook his head in disbelief and I sat and stared at Victor's peaceful face. At the moment I felt so lost deep down I know that I will never find myself again.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now