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Maybe part one? Depends on how much you guys like it

[ Trevor ]

"Boys don't cry. Remember that kid."

Walking down the street at 3 am sobbing my eyes out and that is the only thought blocking out what just happened. Why couldn't it be some dumbass video... The thought came back and I dropped to my knees, holding my head. What a fucking idiot...

"Y/n I want to tell you something."

Stop, I want to stop thinking about this.

"Go for it T. Racer."

I really don't want to go through this again...

"Please don't laugh."

Please someone swerve and run me over.

"I won't, pinky promise."

Her smile... The smile that faded after those stupid five words.

"I'm in love with you."

You pathetic loser. "Trevor?! What are you doing on the side of the road?" I sat up and looked at my mom. I ran to her and grabbed her in a hug. She hugged me back, holding my head. "Trevor..?" I shook my head and cried.

. . .

Phoebe sat in the back while I rested my head against the window. Tears rolled off my cheeks, making plinking noises on the plastic door handle. "What happened? I thought you snuck out to go to Y/-"

"I did mom. I don't want to talk about it." I snapped, opening my eyes.

"Trevor... You're really sweet and I love you too but it's just... You can't really handle me. You're like too soft. I thought you were gay or something. Me? Why me? We're not a good match other than friends. Is this a joke? Okay, where's your phone? I'm kinda out of your league, don't you think sport. Nice try though."

I closed them again and shook my head. "Did you guys fight or..?"

"Oh my god you're serious..."

"Mom stop asking." I grumbled. "Trevor I just want to he-"

"Trevor I'm so sorry-"


I leaned forward and hid my face in my hands. I could tell I scared my mom and Phoebe by shouting so I sighed and sat back up. "I'm sorry for yelling. I don't want to talk about this." My mom pulled into our driveway and put a hand on the back of my head. I grabbed her in a hug and started to sob again.

. . .


Please text me back
Ik I was an asshole
I was joking
I thought you were too
I'm not out of your league
I really do like you too
It's just not an ideal time
I have a lot going on
I still want to hang out though
Are you okay?
Text me back
You're scaring me
Trevor if you don't reply I'm coming over
Trevor I'm coming over

I blocked her number and dropped my phone on the floor. Everything is always a joke to her... I didn't even say it in a joking way. I looked her dead in the eyes and said it and she laughed at me. I hugged my pillow and stared at the wall.

There was tapping on my window but I ignored it. Shit, I forgot to lock it... Hopefully she doesn't figure that out. The window slid open and I pulled my covers over my face. "Trevor I'm so sorry. Please talk to me. Are you okay?"

I sat up and stared at her for a moment before laughing. "Am I okay? I'm better than ever! The person I love the most laughed at me, looked at me as if she were about to vomit, then told me why she can't love me because I told her how I felt about her."

"Trevor I'm sorry. I thought it was a prank!"

"Not everything is a fucking prank!"

"Trevor I love you too, trust me. Now just isn't a good time."


She shook her head and looked up at me. "Because neither of us are okay. Outside of this Trevor. We're both fucked up. How are we supposed to have a healthy relationship when we're the most toxic lovers we know? Huh? And yeah, it fuckin sucks hearing that. But it's true and I'm sorry."

"Get out."

She didn't argue and crawled back out the window, shutting it behind her. I sighed and collapsed back down.

Why can't anyone love me?

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now