𝘒𝘪𝘥 𝘚𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩

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[ Y/n ]

Miles and I were in our room, he was reading while I brushed my hair. We'd put the kids down a little while ago and we were just relaxing.

It was a stormy night, the best night to finally have se- "Mommy... Daddy?" Miles and I both looked up.

"Why aren't you boys asleep?" Miles asked. "We don't like the dark..." Victor spoke. Oliver tapped on his brother's shoulder and signed him a quick message. "Oliver says he doesn't like the lighting either."

I smiled and stood up. "Come on boys." I led them to our bed. Vic and Oli climbed up, in between Miles and I. "When I was your age, I wasn't afraid of anything. I was completely numb."

I lightly pushed Miles and shook my head. "They're kids. They're supposed to be afraid of the dark." Oliver signed, 'and lighting.' I nodded. "The dark and lighting. Come here boys, daddy and I will protect you."

Miles put his book down and blew his candle out. (Ah, you mofo's using candles) Miles and I sandwiched the boys, my hand resting on his back while his was laying on my ass.

I smiled as Miles kissed all three of our heads. "Goodnight you little devils." They smiled and Oliver rolled over to cuddle Miles.

I gasped and frowned, Miles hand slipped under my dress and griped my ass as hard as he could. "Are you okay mommy?" Victor whispered. I nodded and shot Miles a glare.

"Loosen it." I mumbled. Miles obliged and loosened his grip. Victor cuddled close to me, holding onto my nightgown for dear life as the rain picked up.

Within minutes both of the boys were asleep. "Aren't they cute?" I whispered. Miles nodded and grinned. "I really like them." I laughed a little and shook my head.

"Even when they interrupt our sex night." I sighed and moved my hand up to his curly hair. "Just wait my love. You know you'll get it soon." Miles smiled and nodded.

We both fell asleep quite quickly, getting a great night of sleep. Even when Miles got up to go to the bathroom and Oliver woke me up because he thought a monster took his father.

I woke up to Victor crying. I sat up and saw that both the of them were crying. "What is it? What's wrong babies?" I asked, holding them.

The twins pointed ahead and I turned to look at Miles who had taken his disgusting spider out of its terrarium to terrorize the children.

"Put it back." I said, calming them both down. "But-" "No sex if you don't put it down." Miles groaned but dropped the spider back in its tank.

I hugged the boys and wiped their tears away. "Daddy's sorry. Right Daddy?" Miles nodded and apologized.

"Now, go scare the maids." Miles urged the boys out. Miles shut the door and walked over to me. He crawled in bed and pinned me down.

"I love you." He whispered. I smiled and leaned in to give him a kiss. "I love you too Miles." He leaned down to kiss me, lightly at first. Miles changed positions so he was straddling my waist.

He grabbed my hands and held them in place with his own hand. With his free hand, he had to touch my boobs.

We made out and Miles even got me completely undressed when the door opened. Miles covered me up with the blankets. "Oh, Mr. and Mrs. Fairchild... Sorry, I thought you would be downstairs by now. My apologies." She turned around and left.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now