Double Judgment

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[ Tyler ]

Y/n kissed my lips lightly before holding my cheeks and smiling at me. "It'll be great. Trust me." I nodded and took a deep breath. We walked into the kitchen and I felt my heartbeat speed up. The two teenage boys I grew to know through photos and stories stood by the stovetop, serving themselves food.

Will they like me?

Y/n cleared her throat and the twins turned to us. Victor and Oliver stared at me while Y/n caressed my hand. "I'm Tyler." I offered them my hand but neither of them shook it. I pulled it away and sighed. They sat down and Y/n went to serve herself. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom really quick." I muttered, excusing myself.

I rushed to the bathroom and quickly locked the door. I took a few deep breaths before bursting into tears. I covered my mouth and tried to calm down. I just really need the twins to like me. I just want them to know how much I love their mom.

I sighed and looked in the mirror, wiping my eyes. I smiled at myself in the mirror and pulled out my phone.


Mom I'm so nervous
I'm crying in the bathroom
Please tell me I'm ok

You're okay Ty
They're just boys who love their mom.
And you love her too so it'll be okay
Stop texting me and go

I sighed and wiped my eyes again.

Y/n <3

you okay?
The twins are suspicious of you

I'm sorry
I'm really nervous
Just give me a second.
Promise I'm not doing anything weird in here.

Didn't think you were
Don't worry, they're nice.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and gave myself a thumbs up. I opened the door and walked back into the kitchen. I quietly served myself and sat back down. "So... Tyler... How'd you and my mom meet?" Victor asked. I picked at my nails under the table and laughed. "Uh... At a... You know a... A club." I muttered.

"You go to clubs?" Victor asked. I shook my head and held my hands up. "No! No... I was at a bachelor's party." I answered honestly. Victor nodded and I started eating my food. "So, what do you do for a living?"

I'm a hitman.

"I'm a realtor." I beamed. "That's a little gay don't you think?" I stopped smiling and looked down. "Victor, stop it." Y/n scolded. I shook my head and cleared my throat. "Why do you love our mom?" Y/n sighed and I scratched my hand harshly. "She's really amazing in like every way. I never really like... Thought I was going to get married but your mom is like... You just... Really... Your mom is really hot."

I shoveled food into my mouth and tried not to cry. Y/n laughed and I looked over at her. "Boys stop being so mean to him. Tyler loves me, trust me. He's just nervous."

Her phone started to ring and she pulled it out of her pocket. "Shit, I'll be right back." She got up and I watched her leave the kitchen. "So Tyler... You know last Wednesday?" I nodded and looked up. "We were home." I stared at them for a moment before realizing last Wednesday I fucking railed their mom.

"I'm so sorry. Really, I didn't know. I'm so so so sorry. When I was your age my mom started dating people too and something like that happened to me and I was mortified. I'd never do anything like that on purpose."

"Are your parents divorced?" Victor asked. "I wish..." I laughed. They looked up at me and I realized how weird that sounded. "Sorry, I mean I wish because my dad died when I was 11."

They both gave me pitied looks and I continued to eat. Oliver signed something and Victor hummed. "Mom says you have a dog." I nodded and pulled out my phone. I opened Beans's photo folder in my phone and showed them. "Wow he's cute. What breed is he?"

"A chow." I grabbed my phone back and put it into my pocket. "So... So..." I muttered, trying to think of something to talk about. "Are you rich?" Victor asked. I laughed and nodded a little. "By society's standards... Definitely."

Oliver signed something and Victor nodded. "So you're a millionaire?" I nodded and stopped scratching my hand. "I didn't know realtors made that much."

"The good ones do." I joked, knowing damn well it's been a solid two months since I've sold a house. You make millions by killing people for people richer than you who don't want to do the dirty work. Y/n walked back in and I looked back down at my plate. "Is he really just your sugar daddy?" I stood up and laughed.

"I gotta go. I love you and it was so great meeting you you two." I walked to the front door and Y/n came after me. I grabbed my jacket and looked back at her. "Don't leave." She pleaded. I smiled and put a hand on her cheek. I kissed her forehead and sighed. "I love you. We can try this again some other time. I really need to go."


"Home. So I can cry. Love you!"

I shut the door and rushed to my car. I got in and sat there for a second before leaning my head on the steering wheel.

[ Y/n ]

I watched as Tyler wiped his face and pulled out of the driveway. I walked back into the kitchen and looked at Victor and Oliver.

"I told you two he has a hard time with people."

"Then why's he a realtor?"

"Victor. Do not start with me."

He shut up and I sighed, sitting back in my chair. "I just... Why would you even ask that?" Victor shrugged and I put my head in my hands. "God... Come on you two. I really like Tyler, okay? I want to marry him. You guys like him too, I know you do. He's way better than whatever whore your dad is on now."

Oliver signed that he did actually really like Tyler and Victor crossed his arms. "He's okay." He muttered. I smiled and nodded. "I know he is."

.  .  .

[ Tyler ]

I sat on the couch with Y/n, watching a movie. "Hey mom. Hey dad."


Did he just call me dad?

He wouldn't do that. He calls me Tyler.

I sat up and looked around for a second. I looked back at Victor who was recording me. I took a few breaths before leaning my head on Y/n's shoulder. "Don't cry! It's not a big deal!" Victor whined. Y/n played with my hair, kissing the top of my head. I stood up and Victor stared at me. "You have to give me a hug."

Victor scoffed and a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind. I looked back and Oliver grinned at me. "Are you two drunk? What is going on?" Y/n asked. "We just love dad soooo much." I laughed and looked down at Y/n who looked back at Victor. "You guys are really clueless? It's been exactly a year since you brought Tyler over to meet us for the first time!"

Y/n looked back at me and nodded. "So it is." I mumbled. I hugged Oliver back and Victor came over, hugging me too. I smiled and Y/n pulled out her phone. "My three favorite boys." She muttered, taking a picture.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now