Thanksgiving Dinner

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[ Y/n ]

Thanksgiving dinner meant two things.

1) lots of people
2) a table cloth that just so happened to be a little too long

Every year Miles complains about how the table cloth is too long and how he hates it. Yet recently, he's been begging for some head. So far two of his aunts and three of his uncles were drunk, all of his cousins were all shouting, and no one was paying any attention to him and I. I knocked my fork off the table and got on my knees to 'find it.'

His ankles were crossed over each other, swinging a little. I reached forward and lightly gripped his crotch. His legs immediately stopped and he leaned over, lifting the tablecloth up. "What the fuck are you doing?!" He whispered. "I dropped my fork." I smirked at him. "You can use mine." He offered. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Miles sat back up and I unzipped his jeans. I reached into his boxers and pulled out his erection. Miles wrapped his legs around my hips, forcing me closer to him. I smiled at his neediness and licked his tip. He reached under the table and shoved my head all the way down to his base. I felt his tip pressed against the back of my throat and made an effort not to make any noise.

He slowly pulled me back up, then took his hand away. I focused on his tip, using my hands to rub the rest of it. The taste of his precum filled my mouth, urging me to continue. He was only getting harder.

I grabbed his hips and forced myself to take all of him. I shook my head and moaned on him, anything to make him feel good. He brought his hands back up to my hair. I moved back up and looked at him. He lifted the table cloth and subtly glance down at me. He gave me a small grin of approval and then dropped the table cloth.

I rubbed him with my hands, getting ready to deep throat him.

I pulled my hands away and slowly pushed his length into my mouth. After my lips touched his base, I pulled myself back up at that same pace. He gripped my hair and I could envision the way his face would look if we were in bed right now. His cock filled up my mouth and his tip pressed against the back of my throat.

Spit dripped down my chin, onto his seat. I moved a little just so his tip hit the back of my throat over and over and over again. He brought his other hand down and grabbed my head. I smiled and moaned on him. He twitched and I sped up a little.

My eyes brimmed with tears as I continued to choke on his dick. He's hands were shaking, as were his legs. I sped up bobbing my head until I finally felt him shoot his load down my throat. I quickly pulled off and fell back onto my ass, panting. I was careful not to hit anyone's legs. Miles's hands frantically pulled back up and then reappeared with a napkin in them.

He dried himself off and pulled his pants up.

I grabbed my fork and crawled out from under the table and rushed back into my seat. Miles started fixing my hair while I looked around. No one was paying attention to us...

"That was so good baby... Just wait till I get you alone."

I guess thanksgiving isn't as boring as I thought...

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now