𝘔𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘺

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[ Y/n ]

I squeezed myself into the small space, trying to be as well hidden as possible. I can't believe I just fucked myself in the ass like this.

I just shoplifted some stupid ass heart sunglasses from a CVS and now I'm going to be caught.

Fuck my life.

I held my breath as the figure stopped in front of the small space I was in. "Hey." As soon as he said something I dashed out of the hiding spot, shoving him aside.

"No! Wait!" He called, I continued to run, my sunglasses sliding off.

"Hey! Wait! Please! I'm homeless too!"

I stopped and turned to the boy. "What?" I asked, thinking he was mocking me. "I'm homeless but my friends and I are squatting at this house. Why don't you come hang with us?"

I pushed my sunglasses up and looked at him. He's pretty cute, I'll admit. "How do I know you're not working with the little piggies?" I mumbled.

"The cops? Fuck no. That's a funny joke though." A small smile cracked onto my face at his comment. "What's your name stalker?"

The boy stepped closer, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'm Bobert." He mumbled, obviously embarrassed.

"Is that-"

"A nickname. It's a nickname."

"So why do you go by it?"

"Because it's just a thing now..."

I heard a walkie talkie coming our way and my eyes widened. I grabbed the stranger, taking my sunglasses off and shoving them into his hoodie.


I cut him off my pressing him against the wall, smashing my lips against his. He was shocked at first but quickly began to kiss me back.

One of his hands slipped down to my ass and in return I slid a hand down to his crotch. "Stop." He mumbled against my lips.

"Do you really want me to?" I replied.

Bobert smiled and shoved his tongue into my mouth, shaking his head no. "Hey! You two! Get your asses home! This is an alleyway not the hotel you rented on prom night!"

I pulled away from B and grabbed his hand. He was obviously a little shocked from the whole situation. "Hey son." The officer stopped us.

Bobert froze and I could sense us both panicking, ready to beat the shit out of this ugly ass motherfucker. "You might wanna take care of that in a bathroom or something. Don't freak the little kids out." We all looked down at his pants and noticed a very visible tent in his pants.


After waiting five minutes for Bobert to take care of his boner problem, we were on our way to said squatting location.

"So, why're you homeless?" He asked, handing me my sunglasses. "My parents are assholes..." I answered, hoping he wouldn't ask anything else.


I rolled my eyes. "And I like popping pills sometimes."

"There it is. Well, I'm not telling you why I'm homeless. Maybe if you give me head that'll change." B nudged me and I rolled my eyes.

"You really want some head? I'll give it to you. If you really want it."

He started to blush and I smiled. "It's the outfit and those damn sunglasses..." I leaned onto his arm, staring up at him.

"What about them?" I provoked.

"They're... Sexy..."

Of course he thought so. I was wearing a tight crop top and a short skirt with some knee high socks. All of it had a nice pink theme that didn't clash. We hate clashing.

This outfit is guaranteed to turn any guy on.

I smiled and kissed his cheek, grabbing his hand and pulling him along.


It was dinner now and people are hungry. Everyone is eating everything they can get their hands on. It's all junk food.

Bobert kept handing me stuff, telling me to hold it. Within minutes it was all gone and everyone was walking off. B led me upstairs into a room and we sat down on the floor.

There were two small beds on opposite sides of the room. I had decided to call him B and he seemed confused at first but I think he likes it.

"So... We have Twinkies, Honey Buns, basically every single Little Debbie product made ever, and two bottles of water."

We both grabbed what we wanted and started to eat. "You wanna be my boyfriend?" I asked, sucking my thumb clean of icing.

"I think we're too old to start dating after knowing each other for a day." He answered, looking up at me.

"Well, I wanna fuck you but I don't fuck people I'm not dating."

"So we'll be friends with benefits but we're dating?"

"What? No. We'll be a couple."

He sighed and laid on his back. "I'm not good at love." He whispered, shoving the rest of the Twinkie into his mouth.


After talking almost all night, B and I decided to go to bed. He took the bed on the left and I took the bed on the right.

Even with the covers it was cold though.

"Hey... Baby..." I whispered, wondering if he was still awake or not. "Hm?" I sat up and scooted over. "Can you come cuddle me?" I pleaded.

B sat up and I could see his wild hair in the dark. "You're like... This fucking hot 17 year old or whatever and yet I want to buy you some stuffed animals and protect you from all the bad things in the world."

"So you like BDSM."


"Just get in bed with me."

B listened and got up, getting into bed with me. He laid awkwardly until I sat up and shifted him around. "You comfortable?" I asked as I laid down.

"Very." He mumbled, his forehead resting against the back of my head. Now B was spooning me and I've never felt warmer.

He placed a light kiss on my head, rubbing my hand with his thumb. "Goodnight Y/n."

I smiled and bit my lip. "Goodnight B."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now