Double life

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Translations @ the bottom

[ Y/n ]

"It's. Not. Happening. You're not dating Boris. He's not good for you and he's my only friend."

"Come on Theo."

"No. Stop asking." Theo stormed upstairs and slammed his door. Boris opened the pantry door and stepped out. "Well that didn't go as planned. Good thing for us he's not our boss." I muttered. Boris leaned down and kissed me. "I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too Bor..."

. . .

[ + 1 week ]

I laid on Boris's chest, watching a movie with him. He inhaled a large cloud from his cigarette and blew it away from me. Boris finished and kissed me. I smiled and crawled onto his lap. Boris laughed and I leaned down to kiss his neck. I moved up to his lips quickly, kissing him lightly. Boris and I started making out, his tongue moving into my mouth. Boris sat up and wrapped his arms around my hips.

"You'd better not burn me." I mumbled against his lips. Boris hummed and took my shirt off.

"Boris! I got some stuff from the store!" The front door slammed and Theo's feet padded up the stairs. I grabbed my shirt and scrambled into Boris's closet. My heart raced as I listened to them talk. Theo didn't suspect a thing.

"Ugh, my sister loves this movie. She watches it like 6 times a month." Theo mumbled. "You know, she really wants to date you Boris."


What a little snitch. "Yeah and I know you want to date her too but if you guys are sneaking around behind my back I'm gonna be fucking pissed. So... If you're seeing her tell me right now."

There was a moment of silence before Boris started laughing. Theo did as well and I bit my thumbnail. "You're so bullshit. Let's go downstairs and cook that."

"Yeah." Theo left and Boris shouted that he was going to the bathroom. I heard the bedroom door shut and lock and Boris opened his closet. "Be quiet, leave though the window. I'll come over tonight, wait till I'm downstairs. I love you so so much песочное печенье." Boris kissed me and then shut the closet door again.

. . .

[ + 3 weeks ]

"Boris..." I whimpered in pain. He leaned in and kissed me to silence our moans. I grabbed fistfuls of his hair. "You feel so good around me самый дорогой." I nodded and he tucked his head into my collarbone. There was a knock on the door and Boris sat up. His thrusting stopped and I was panting silently.

"Boris?" Theo muttered. "Y-yeah?"

"You've been in there for half an hour."

"I'm... Jerking off."

"For half an hour?"

"Hey some of us don't have an erectile dysfunction."

"I don't have a- Whatever. Hurry up and you'd better not have a picture of my step mom or Y/n."

Theo walked away and Boris turned back to me. We both started to laugh, covering our mouths. We calmed down and Boris we were quickly pulled back into our euphoric state.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now