Oliver's backstory kinda

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Hihi! What's good? I wanted to just like explain why Oliver doesn't talk so yeah.
I altered his story a little so it was less... depressing. I just feel like I've bullied him enough.

[ Y/n ]

"Come on... Mama, say mama." I urged Oliver. "Mama." Victor cooed, he was already talking pretty fluently. "Yes, good job baby. Oliver, can you say something? Mama? Dada? Fuck I don't know. Egg? Egg." I emphasized the word 'egg'.

"Still trying?" Finn came in and pat my head. "Finn I don't think it's normal... Should we go to a doctor?" Finn sighed and grabbed Victor's hand.

"Bath time." He mumbled. I grabbed my phone and googled what to do. "Palsy...?" I whispered. I looked up at Oliver. He stared back at me and smiled. He opened his mouth and gave a big smile.

I laughed and picked him up. "I'll love you no matter what my baby."

Finn got in bed, pulling the covers up to his chest. "So we have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow. I did some research and I think it might be something called palsy. It's like he's paralyzed. His version I guess would be in his vocal cords or something." Finn nodded and turned his lamp off.

We were submerged in darkness and Finn wrapped his arms around my waist. "Let's worry about it tomorrow love. I'm tired. Victor and Oliver climbed on me all day. They're getting so heavy."

I nodded and we cuddled close to each other.

"Oliver! Come on!" Finn shouted upstairs. Oliver came running down the stairs. We got in the car and drove to the hospital. Upon telling the doctors what was happening, they sent us home and told us to leave for the hospital at nine, when it's pretty empty.

Oliver was yawning and his brother was asleep on his shoulder, snoring quietly while holding Oliver's hand.

We got to the hospital and carried the sleeping twins inside. I set them with Finn and went up to the front desk.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I smiled and rested my hands on the cold counter. "I'm here for some tests to see if my son has palsy. Doctor Jones said he'd set up an appointment." The Woman nodded and typed some things into her computer.

"Alright, we're going to have you fill these out and then you'll go to room 540 on the fifth floor." she handed me a clipboard with a few pages attached to it. I thanked her and sat back down.

There was a pen attached to the clipboard and I started filling everything out. "What do you think they're going to do?" Finn whispered. "I don't know..." I replied.

Sirens woke the two up and I saw a gurney be pulled out of the truck. "Cover their eyes." I demanded. Finn placed his hands over the boy's eyes, shielding them from the horror on the bed.

I watched as a man was rushed in, bloodied and gasping for air. I immediately looked down, the sight too much to handle.

He was gone just as quickly as he came and Finn took his hands off their eyes. "Daddy, why are we here at night?" Victor asked, hugging Finn.

"We just didn't want to wait very long. That's all." Victor nodded and looked at me. I smiled at him and continued the paperwork.

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