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[ Y/n ]

Finn pulled me into the party, his thumb caressing the top if my hand. Music was blasting, people were dancing, singing, drinking, smoking, doing normal party things. Finn and I walked over to get a drink from the table. He handed me a red solo cup and served us both some punch. We were walking home after this anyways.

We both took a drink and stared at each other. "Not bad." I shouted. He nodded and took another drink. "Finn! Y/n!" Enya ran over and gave us both a hug. "Finn, Malcom's here. He's over by... You see him." Finn nodded and gave me a quick kiss before walking over to Malcom and a group of other guys. "My room's free if you guys want it later." She winked. I rolled my eyes and pushed her.

"Ugh, Quincy's here..." She whispered. I turned and looked at Quincy, who was standing alone. He saw us and we I turned away from him. "Wanna go sit by the pool?" I nodded and we went outside. "So, how's filming for you?" Enya asked. I shrugged and looked back at her. "It's good. I'm just glad I get to see you all again."

She nodded and someone touched my head. We both looked up and Nick sat down next to us. "Hey!" Nick's been away since I got back, so this was my first time seeing him again. I leaned over and hugged him. He smiled and hugged me back. We pulled away and I took a drink out of my cup. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket.

"Ah, shit. Hunter's calling. I'll be right back."

I stood up and walked to the far corner of the yard, where the fewest people were standing. "Hey." I held the phone up to my ear. "Y/n! Z and Barbie are here!" She said happily. "Hi guys! I miss you!" I swayed to the new song, looking back at Enya and Nick talking. "Are you at a party?" Barbie asked. "Yeah, Finn's friends were hosting it and I'm friends with one of them so we decided to come hang out."

"Well that's good. God knows you need a break." I laughed and shook my head. "What're you all up to?" I could hear Zendaya and Barbie laughing and shouting in the background.

"Z is doing Just Dance."

Nick waved to me and I held a finger up. "Guys, I gotta go. Send me videos though. Love you guys!"

"Love you! Bye!"

I hung up and walked back over to them. "Who was it?" Nick asked. "Hunter, Zendaya, and Barbie."

"That's fucking crazy that you were just on the phone with Zendaya..." Enya muttered. "Well I wasn't really talking to her. She was just in the room, she was playing Just Dance. We play it all the time on set."

There was commotion behind us, causing Enya to get up. I followed her and we pushed through the circle. Jack stared and Finn stood a few feet apart, Finn holding his nose. Jack and Finn had a really bad falling out. That's why Calpurnia came to such an abrupt end. I dated Jack before I dated Finn. It really just wasn't a good match so I broke up with him.

He thought we were soulmates.

I walked forward and stood in front of Finn. I tried to pull his hand away from his nose but he ended up pushing me away and leaving. I turned to Jack who looked really guilty. "Real fucking mature, Anderson." I walked away and ran to catch Finn. I assumed he'd left so I pushed past the crowd standing by the front door.

I saw Finn walking and ran to him. "Finn!" I shouted. He stopped and I caught up with him. He turned and grabbed my hands. "I'm sorry for pushing you. I feel really terrible. I'm not completely sober and I was just so fucking pissed and embarrassed. I'm really sorry, that was a dick move."

I laughed and shook my head. "Baby, I don't care about that. Are you okay? Come here where there's more light."

He did and I sighed. "Hey guys." Nick caught up with us and Quincy was with him. "You okay Finn?" Quincy asked. I looked away in disgust, I fucking hate cheaters. "Yeah, no... I think I'm going to get some coffee then go to the hospital."

"Y/n what's your problem?" Quincy asked. "You don't have to be here." I muttered.

"Finn's like my little brother."

"Really? If he's such a little brother to you why didn't you help him out before he got hit?"

"Jesus, what's your problem with me?!"


"At least I'm not a fucking whore... Finn got hit because of yo-"

"Stop it!" Nick shouted. Finn glared at Quincy. "Whatever. Fuck you guys." Quincy left and I stood there. "Y/n..." Finn placed a hand on my shoulder. "There's a 7/11 right around the corner. What kind of coffee do you want?"

"You can't go alone." Nick protested. I looked at the two. They were both staring at me with pitiful looks on their faces. "Fine."

. . .

After getting Finn and I a coffee, Nick drove us to the hospital. We were there for about an hour and a half, halfway through his parents showed up. They weren't very happy Nick let us drink. "It was barely anything! Neither of them are drunk!" He defended. Finn's mom was checking on Finn nonstop. Apparently, Jack hit him a few times. He had a busted lip and black eye to go along with his broken nose.

"What's the press going to think?" Finn mumbled. I laid next to him in his hospital bed, holding his hand. "Alright Finn. You're all set. Here are your pain killers, make sure to do what I told you. Refrain from touching your nose or lips, we wouldn't want you to mess up the healing process or give yourself an infection. Don't touch that cast."

He nodded and the doctor gave his mom a bag from the pharmacy down the hall. We walked out of the hospital and Finn swung our hands. "It was fun while it lasted." I nodded and we got into his parent's car. "Bye Nick!" Nick was going back to his apartment.


Finn and I sat in the back silently. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out.


You okay?

I looked over at him and he was staring at me with his sad eyes.

I'm fine Finn

No you aren't

If you knew I wasn't why'd you ask

Let's talk abt it :(

It's fine finn
Idgaf about what Quincy says
I'm not a whore
Jack and i had been broken up for a few months

This music's pretty shit huh

I laughed and Finn leaned his head on my shoulder.

my parents are gonna yell @ me tomorrow

Mine too

Wdym? I thought they said you could stay over


Did you seriously sneak out?

No, I'm totally fucking w you

Finn shook his head and put his phone down. I leaned my head against his, thinking about how lucky I am to have a boyfriend as sweet as Finn.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now