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[ Y/n ]

I bit my lip and held the pregnancy test in my hand. I'm not sure why I'm nervous. Miles and I want another kid and if I'm not pregnant that's fine too. I turned it and sighed.

+ Positive

Great. Now I get to tell Miles and we get to tell the twins.

.  .  .

Miles walked in and looked up at me. "Oh, hey precious. What's up?" He asked. I stayed quiet as he sat down and froze. He looked up at me and held the test up. I shrugged and he got back up. Miles walked over to me and picked me up. I laughed and held onto him. "Oh my god this is so perfect. You're so perfect. God... I'm so in love with you." He whispered.

I rolled my eyes and pressed a kiss onto his lips.

The door opened and Miles quickly set me down, tugging his blazer down. "Sorry, I just... Is that a pregnancy test?"

"Huh?" Miles said. "Is that a pregnancy test?" She repeated. Miles looked down and stared at it for a moment. "No. This is my- my phone." He threw it across the room and the woman and I both stared at him. "Well?" Miles urged. "Here's some papers for you to review... Do you want me to pick that up..?" He shook his head and I rolled my eyes.

"Congratulations?" The other lady said as she left. I looked over at Miles who laughed and scratched the back of his neck. I shook my head and sighed. "Nice phone." I muttered as I got up to go pick the stick up off the ground.

. . .

"Mom's getting fat."

Miles and I have really struggled with figuring out how to tell the twins but my bump is growing so fast we have to figure it out.

"Victor. Do you want a punishment?" Miles sad sternly. "No sir." Victor mumbled. "Then apologize." Miles scooped some food into his mouth and looked up at me. "Sorry mommy." I smiled and reached over to touch his cheek. "Want me to do it?" Miles muttered. We all looked at him and I nodded. "Mommy's pregnant."

"What's pregnant?" Victor asked.

"You're going to get a new baby brother or sister." Miles answered. "Really? Just one? That's boring." Victor crossed his arms. "You are extra snappy tonight mister." I joked. "Yeah and it's about to get him in trouble." Miles glared at Victor. He loves these boys so much but just doesn't understand why they don't obey his every command like everyone else does.

They are the exact same way. "What about you Oli? How do you feel?" We all turned our attention to Oliver, who looked at us. He pointed to his mouth like he couldn't talk because he was chewing. Miles and I exchanged a small panicked look. Neither of them are reacting well.

"Well that's too bad. You're getting one anyways."

"But why! How are you gonna love me?" Victor whined. "We'll still love you Vic and you too Oliver." I smiled warmly at them. "Mom kill it." Victor glared at me. I retorted and Miles stood up. He walked around the table and picked Victor up.

Victor didn't try to resist, he knew that'd make it worse. Miles carried Victor to his room to scold him. Miles didn't spank the boys though. That was his punishment as a kid and now he's reserved it for me. Instead he makes them pick one of the help to give the week off while the twin being punished does their work for them.

Oliver tapped his fork against his plate and took a sip of water. "Would you like dessert?" He shook his head and gave me an awkward grin. I watched as he got up and left the table, escaping to his room.

. . .

I cuddled Miles, resting my head against his shoulder. "They're going to try to kill the baby when it's born." I cried. "No they aren't." Miles reassured. "Plus, it doesn't matter. Do you want it?" I nodded and he hummed. "I want it too so the boys can adapt."

"Miles you can hardly adapt to having kids that you've had for 7 years. I don't know if they're really that willing to adapt."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now