Double Judgment II

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Okay I had the idea for this while I was writing the last Tyler chapter and I just— it's so cute.

[ Tyler ]

"Okay, it's time for dad's present from Oliver and I." Victor beamed. He handed me a bag and I pulled out the tissue paper. Inside was a shirt. I pulled it out and looked at it. I stared at it and sighed before looking up at the two. "Really?" I laughed. They shook their heads and Y/n took the shirt before she started to laugh.

Certified Sugar Daddy was printed in large white letters on it.

I rolled my eyes and they urged me to keep going. "Read the card first." Victor said nervously. I pulled it out and opened it.

Dear dad,
I know Victor and I aren't always nice to you. We know you love us and we love you too. You know that Rick left us when we were little. You know that he had custody of us for four years. You know how much we suffered. What you don't know is when those four years were. They weren't when we were little. We had only been with mom for two weeks before she introduced you to us. You treat our mom way better than anyone has ever treated her. You treat us way better than anyone has ever treated us. (-Mom. She's never been a bad mom) We were really skeptical when you first came in and sometimes we're still skeptical of you. But we can really tell you love mom and you love us. And we love you too. There isn't a second of our lives where we want Rick to be recognized as our father. We went to his house the other week and luckily, he was black out drunk. He happily signed his custody away.

"He was the one who hit you in the jaw Oliver?!" Oliver nodded and signed for me to keep reading and ignore it. I don't care if I don't get paid, I'm going to kill that fucking bastard.

Though I can't say it and Victor chooses not to say it, you've been our dad since the moment you walked into our mom's life. You've always been there for the three of us and we love you. So what this whole long thing comes down to-

"-is if you'll adopt us." I whispered. I looked up at Victor and Oliver who were both crying. "For the first time dad beat us to not crying." Victor joked. I reached into the bag and pulled out a stack of papers. "There are the... The adoption papers... You really want me?" I asked. Victor and Oliver nodded and I smiled. "So... Is this a yes?" Y/n asked. I nodded and hid my face in my hands. "Yes... Yes." I whimpered. Four arms wrapped around me and I hugged the twins back.

. . .

"Hi Tyler! Happy birthday!" I grinned and waved. "How was it? Did you get any good gifts? Did any of them upscale mine?" She asked. I nodded and laughed. "What?!" She asked. I nodded and started to cry again. "Tyler, what happened? What is it?" She asked nervously.

"Mom, Victor and Oliver want me to adopt them." I whispered. She gasped and I grinned through my tears. "My baby... That is so great! Did you say yes?" I nodded and laughed. "Of course I said yes mom. Of course..." She sighed and I wiped my eyes. "I'm so proud of you Tyler. You're going to be a great dad." I nodded and laughed. "I hope so."

"I know so." She said. I nodded and looked back inside. Victor and Oliver were talking to Y/n with big grins on their faces. Oliver signed something and
Y/n laughed. Victor looked over at me and waved. I waved back to him and he and Oliver came outside. "Mom, Victor and Oli want to say hi." I handed Victor the phone and watched as they talked to my mom.

Y/n came out and said hi to her before letting the twins continue talking to her. She sat down next to me and laid her head on my arm. I looked down at her and smiled. "Happy birthday Tyler." She whispered.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now